


07-31-2013, 04:44 PM

He waited for her to do something, anything. It seemed hopeless, and he doubted she would hold on for much longer. Whoever had done this had the intentions to not only kill, but to make her suffer. He used to be like that, but ever since Newt had manipulated his mind he had almost dropped his sickening habit of liking to watch others suffer. He still got the urge here and there, but lately, the thought hadn't crossed his mind. Finally, he heard her murmur something between low gasps for air and gurgles of blood. He had missed her say his name, but what he heard now was all too clear; she wanted him to make it stop. She wanted him to end it.

He had never imagined taking her life, not even in his wildest dreams. No, if he would have done that, she would be gone forever. A soul as fragile as hers was bound to go to heaven, and he, he would be sent back to hell to wallow in the flames he had created. She was an angel is disguise despite her tough front, which truly made them star-crossed lovers. As you wish, my love." His voice was broken, but he managed to empathize the word love. He loved her, he always had. Funny, it took her dying in his arms for him to finally accept his feelings for her. Typical.

He had always imagined he would hesitate if faced with this situation, but as he lifted his head and body to where he was laying on his side, and still wrapped around her, he did not hesitate to splay his jaws open and grab the side of her neck/throat between his hazardous fangs. She was already severely damaged and suffering, so he wasted no time. His eyes clenched shut, his breathing slowed, and his body tensed as he felt her draw one more broken breath. Then, with a swift and forceful pull to his right, he snapped her neck. It was quick and painless as opposed to sitting there and suffocating her with his hold. He wanted this moment to be quick, and overall, painless. And it was.

He held her limp neck between his jaws for a few moments. For some reason, even though he knew she was dead, he couldn't get himself to release her. His body was still pressed against hers, and he could already feel her body becoming cold. Her side didn't rise or fall, nor did he hear broke breathing. She was gone. His eyes were still clenched, but not even the walls of lids could stop the liquid that seeped from the creases. This had been the first time the man had cried in his entire life, and it still wasn't a down pour. Just a three or four tears rolled down his cheeks, and when he decided it was time to let go, he did. Not only did he let go of her physical form, but his emotional connection that was causing him so much pain vanished. He felt numb.

He was brought back to reality when his ears swiveled forward toward the forest. Something was out there, he could hear it rustling through the bushes about half a mile off. Shit. He was still in Tortuga, and he wouldn't put it past them to believe he had been the one to torture her. He had indeed killed her, but not out of his benefit, but he doubted anyone would believe that. He pulled away from her, coming to his feet and standing before her. His head lowered, and he ran his nose along the base of her skull and down to her scruff, inhaling her scent one last time. It was masked with blood, but not even the matted crimson could ruin her addicting perfume. He wanted to smell it one last time.

And with that, the king left a gentle kiss on her forehead before turning away from his star-crossed lover forever. "I knew this love would end up killing me again." He whispered for only her to hear, though of course she couldn't hear him. She was gone forever. He took off into the forest toward the borders without looking back. His words may have been a mystery to others if they had heard, but to him it was all too clear. He was dead inside again, all the feelings Newt had managed to put into him were gone. He would become the ruthless man he was before. His intentions were on going back to Amenti, but his paws managed to take him into oblivion. He was lost inside.

