
A Place That I Call Home




3 Years
Extra small
05-17-2021, 11:25 AM
Gypsy really, really needed to pee. She'd been stuck in the room all day with neither Indigo or Duchess to be heard. The poor woman's stomach hurt from holding it for so long, but it wasn't something that she was unused to. Sometimes her father had refused to stop, so she would have to wait and wait and wait until she thought she might be sick. Today wasn't nearly as bad as all that, but she still had to go.

The night had been long and sleep had claimed her quickly. Gypsy couldn't remember ever having slept so well. The furs were just so, so soft. After this, she would never be able to sleep on hard earth again, she imagined. Having slept so deeply, the tiny fae felt refreshed when she woke. Her emotions weren't as chaotic and she didn't feel as frantic. The girl was slowly losing the fear that Indigo was trying to trick her. The castle smelled so clean and there was no screaming and hollering to be heard. This wasn't his scene at all. So maybe... Indigo was telling her the truth. That didn't mean that she would let her guard down. He obviously wanted something from her, but she no longer thought that he was working in cahoots with her father.

Mismatched ears perked as paws approached and entered the room. Duchess' voice met the diminutive woman's ears and Gypsy was instantly on her paws, moving across the room towards her. Duchess offered her food and, while food sounded good, that wasn't what she needed at the moment. "Please," she spoke in her whisperish tones. "Please take me outside." Gods... she needed to go outside.
**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.