
You're The Only Light




2 Years

Pride - Bisexual
05-17-2021, 12:56 PM

Azzurra laid among the pile of furs that had been the backdrop for most of her life, though there were chunks of time that were fuzzy or missing from her memory. Fits of fevers, days or weeks at a time where all she really remembered was moments of feeling extremely unwell, occasionally accented with the kind words or actions of her father or siblings. Well, mostly Balthier. The two dark coated, golden-marked males in her life were nearly interchangeable when it came to how much she remembered of them from the last couple seasons. More recently though the days of fevers and sickness were far more few and far between. Getting up from her bed was still difficult, but she was much more aware than she had once been.

She was at least aware enough to feel the passing of time, growing more bored of sitting in the den by the minute and feeling the loneliness more acutely when one of her family wasn't around. The days they had spent away in The Hallows when they went to see their mother without her had been the hardest. She had tried to make herself go, but even just getting up at that point had been a struggle. She had little perception of just how far the trip actually was since moving beyond this den hadn't happened in so long, but she believed her father when he said it was a very long trip that she wouldn't have been able to make.

Even though it was nighttime and she knew she should be asleep, she was having a hard time making herself do it. She didn't like being alone. She didn't like having nothing to do but lay here with her thoughts. As if answering her prayer, She heard her brother's voice from the arch way of her portion of their den, causing her to lift her head and her mismatched ears to perk. She frowned a little at the news he brought, her blue eyes finding his. "Okay... Thanks for letting me know." She could usually convince their father to sleep with her so she wouldn't have to be alone at night, but with him not being here...

"Balthier, would you snuggle with me for a little while?"she questioned softly, her wide eyes looking up at him pleadingly.
