
Something To Tell You




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-17-2021, 11:09 PM

Naiche hadn’t taken the short patrol.  The golden wolf roamed the border taking time to check any scents that could be a cause of concern.  The only thing of worth he found was the scent of coyotes but the scent was faint suggesting they had been smart enough to flee when realizing how close they were to the armada pack.  

Naiche felt relief that finally the horrible cold was leaving, his coat seemed to be fully grown back and now the gentle breeze could be a pleasant thing.  The stars were out and bright when he made his way back to their den.  Naiche sometimes remembered the idea had been a temporary sharing of a den with all the cold weather.  Asla had never suggested he quit staying with her and while he of course Naiche hadn’t bothered to admit to it, he preferred things as they were.  

Naiche stepped in quietly in case Asla was there and already asleep.  It appeared tonight it wouldn’t be a concern though.  “Looks like it should be a quiet night.  Not a whiff of any trouble.” Asla already seemed potentially settled in for the evening so Naiche made his way to lay down next to her. He lay on his stomach, with his side pressing up against her back.  Having just gotten back from patrol his head was still up for the moment, not yet feeling a need to fall asleep quite yet. He didn’t ask Asla how her day was, but his attention was turned towards her for anything she might want to discuss.  As far as Naiche knew it was a regular enough day with wonderful weather.  Naiche was going to make note to enjoy the spring weather in summer for a while.

Pan had been at his normal post on top of Naiche for the patrol and with little thought Naiche lowered his front end to the ground, making it that much easier for Pan to climb off.  The pangolin gave a small wave of his claws before heading towards a back part of the den to lay down in.

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]