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3 Years

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveChristmas 2019
05-18-2021, 04:53 PM
She wasn't left waiting for long at all before her call was answered. The woman that greeted her had an ethereal sort of beauty that was hard to ignore; Eyrún suppressed a quiet whistle through her teeth as she got a better look at her. If she'd been in a different position - and not visibly pregnant - perhaps she would've commented on her physical appeal, but instead she was tired, and all she could do was recline to her haunches and steady herself. The stranger didn't necessarily seem happy to see her though Eyrún couldn't say she blamed her. A pregnant woman at your doorstep, searching for the man that had impregnated her wasn't always a good scenario.

"Never seen a pregnant lady before?" Eyrún seemed amused, as if undeterred by Recluse's wariness. Her discomfort was written plainly all over her face, even if she couldn't find the source of it. "I won't bite, I promise. Far too tired. Who knew pregnancy was so exhausting," she admitted casually. Being on her own was all she'd ever known, but with children growing inside her she thought they'd be better off.. well, somewhere a little more robust. Not that she thought she couldn't do it, but the gods had sent her Harbringr for a reason - why ignore their obvious direction? She'd be a fool to.

"I am Eyrún Finnvi, and this is Aryn," she gestured to the younger girl hastily, before she had a chance to introduce herself. "And yes, these children are his." Eyrún wasn't good at recognizing emotions of others very easily; if she thought Recluse seemed hurt by her arrival she made no sign of it whatsoever. "Don't tell me he'll be disappointed to see me? It sounded like he quite enjoys fatherhood. I'm not here to rope him into anything. If I'm unwanted I'd be a fool to stay, but I figured he'd want to know. And I really wouldn't mind somewhere to rest awhile." She'd leave out all the bits about her gods guiding her here, at least until she got a better sense of the sort of wolf she was dealing with.