
Right where I belong



The Hallows
Lady of Cinder

Master Fighter (245)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

6 Years

How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Ooh La LaSamhain 2022LegendaryPride - DemisexualTeacher
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3VengeanceCritical Fail!Ice Bridge Explorer1K
05-18-2021, 09:42 PM

Briar gave Artorias a playful glare as he acknowledged the bag he had been fiddling with and tossing around with the most nonchalant answer, rolling her eyes at him with a grin. "Fine, maybe a will," she teased back as he handed it over, telling her to open it and find out. She probably should have guessed that it was a gift for her by the way he was acting, but somehow the thought didn't cross her mind until she opened it and found the bracelet that was tucked inside. The attitude and grin fell away as she pulled it out, holding it carefully with it hooked over her long, sharp claws as she looked at the beautiful silver bangle that was glittering with pretty topaz stones that just so happened to be the same color of his eyes that she loved so much.

With all that had been going on she hadn't really spared a thought to her birthday or gifts or anything like that. Really, she hadn't even really thought about the possibility that they should get or give gifts until she had seen the sword that he had gotten from his mothers. She had briefly wondered if she'd get anything from her father, but had immediately dismissed it since it wasn't exactly a time for celebration in the Armada. There was so much on her father's plate that she couldn't possibly expect him to think of something like birthdays. But, as he tended to do, Artorias amazed her and filled in any little gaps she felt in her life. This time it was in the form of a bracelet that she could carry with her and treasure.

"Art, this is beautiful," she insisted, glancing up at him with a huge grin. Her tail wagged against the stone under them as she slipped the bangle over her paw and turned her ankle side to side to watch the light catch on the stones. "I love it!" She giggled as she leaned her shoulder into his, watching it happily from where it hung around her ankle. "Thank you, Art, this is so sweet of you. I feel bad that I don't have anything to give you." She lowered her paw, turning her head to look at him with with overwhelming happiness and love. She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his lips, so incredibly happy and thankful to have her Blue Boy.

Briar Fatalis