



07-31-2013, 05:12 PM

The woman stared at Gretel with a sick smile. Oh how she loved to play with little Wolfies. She kneaded the stone beneath her with broken and rough pads. Her tail flicked about idly. It was like Cat and Mouse. The tyrant enjoyed it to her core. She had not always been like this until she met a little woman by the name of Grace. Grace and Canttina were close, but only because Canttina said so. It was as if Grace was Canttina's slave. But, now she had no one to order about and push around. The woman missed it, maybe she could use little Gretel as her toy?

As she heard an answer the woman perked up. We? The girl tilted her head and stared into the other womans emeralds. "Who is we?" She licked her maw, which was a bit of a habit of Canttina's. The vixen slithered closer to Gretel with a sick look in her eyes. Yellow orbs danced across the womans bi-colored body with hunger. "I could help you my little Gretel. I am healthy, fit. I can hunt and protect you. Clean those horrid gashes upon your wonderful fur. In return you keep me company. Without me, you WILL die." She snarled lightly, there was complete emphasis on the word will. Her nose flicked and lips curled lightly. She meant business. The woman was not afraid to take action if Gretel's answer was no.

The earthy toned vixen moved a bit closer, to where she could touch the other girl. Canttina let forth what sounded like a purr. She leaned in and inhaled the girl's scent. She licked her fangs in hunger. "You smell, so.. glorious." She seemed to have a bit trouble with her words, as if caught up in the moment.


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