
How's It Feel Sitting Up There




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-19-2021, 07:25 AM
Indigo didn’t really have any idea what he smelled like, he was long desensitized to the stench that clung to his fur. He had reveled in Aslatiel for as long as he could, he had to fight off the unending feeling of emptiness inside whenever he left her. He looked much more vibrant than the first time they had to separate but he still felt the space where his heart should have been. He tried to ignore the deeper feelings inside, it was easier as he pressed into Duchess and her welcoming presence. He only touched on his thoughts of her when he was with Aslatiel, but now they were reunited Indigo’s full focus was on Duchess. Especially as she reached up and took him into a passionate kiss. All the force of the time between them intensifying the emotions within.

His heart beat faster in his chest and electricity raced through his body, originating at their lips. He didn’t think about te public space they were, nor his silent rule to refrain from sensual activities in the castle walls. Duchess pulled away though, Indigo blinked back in surprise as she pushed him back. He was easy enough to move, putty in her paws as she pressed him back. Indigo’s massive paws backed into the empty infirmary room. She didn’t have to tell him what she wanted, and he could feel how much the distance had effected her. Indigo was fully distracted by this sudden shift of behavior, so much so he didn’t question anything. Indigo easily went along with her desires.

Maybe he’d think harder about everything later when he was using his real brain. Now all he could think of was how much he wanted to be wanted by her. He grinned slyly and shifted himself so he was closer to the door and his chest pushed against her hips. He used one massive back paw to swing the door closed. He shoved his muzzle into the soft fur of her scruff as he wrapped he lifted his weight to her back and wrapped his paws around her thighs. Their hips aligned and Indigo felt himself growl deeply. This was unlike anything they’d done before, the atmosphere different then anything he had experienced. Primal urges were given reign as Indy aligned their hips and pressed against her.

His sabers ran divots in her fur as teeth traced seductively over her skin. He gave Duchess only a moment to change her mind before he plunged deep into the bliss of her.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.