
so broken hearted



3 Years
Extra large
05-19-2021, 03:58 PM
She didn’t pushed him away, even as he felt her disappointment in him. She still wrapped her arms around him. He couldn’t have Motif, he’d never be able to tell her how he felt, or hold her like this. Press his face into her soft fur and breath in the sweet scent of her. But he could with this woman. The woman he didn’t even know the name of. Motif was gone, but he had this beautiful sand furred woman beneath him. Her affection soothed him, the steady rhythm of her paw against his fur. Her lips against his ears, the tender affection creating a whole new sense of emotions within him as his mind swirled around the thought of Motif.

He squeezed his eyes shut and willed himself to have the strength she saw in him. That he needed to move onward with his life. It was so easy to give up, fighting was hard. This girl, a stranger in every sense, showed him that he wasn’t alone despite how lonely he felt. At one of his lowest points she appeared out of nowhere to comfort him and offer her affection when he didn’t deserve such kindnesses.

Ocean nuzzled into her chest again, letting himself relax the tension he held in his neck and shoulders. He leaned more heavily against her. He changed from burying his head to hide himself from the world, to slowly nuzzling the skin beneath her thick fur. Tentatively Ocean moved up her neck and into the crook of her jaw, still keeping his eyes closed but his expression had softened and his body started to relax. Hesitantly he blinked open his silver eyes to find her bright galaxy like gaze. There was an incredible understanding there, and before Oce lost his nerve or thought too hard about his actions he leaned forward to press his dark lips to hers.

He didn’t know how to kiss, but he did move on instinct. Every thought and feeling that he felt towards the dark girl with blue eyes. All of his love, the dreams and hopes he had not only for their friendship but what more there could have been. A happy life, a beautiful family, true love. Everything he lost filled his passionate kiss, he would never be able to kiss Motif, so this angel of a woman in his arms received every bit of his love.