
She’s a Fox



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-20-2021, 04:49 PM

He scoffed and smirked when she insisted that Speckles suited him, rolling his eyes. Even when she said that he'd be Ezra now, he had a feeling that the nickname would continue. She seemed to like poking fun at him even though he had no idea why. It made him wonder if he should be teasing her back, but he couldn't find anything to tease her for. She was pretty, obviously smart if she knew all this stuff about plants, and was way more independent and spirited than his mother or sisters had ever been. It briefly made him wonder what was so different about her or maybe how she grew up to make her this confident compared to the women in his life. Obviously he had examples of stronger women around him like Resin had been and Tamsyn to an extent, but for the most part they needed protecting and somehow Syanna didn't seem that way.

He lifted a curious brow when she told him that this mushroom she had been collecting before he accidentally made her crush it could make wolves have psychedelic episodes. He didn't know there were plants that did anything other than what the healers used to treat wounds or maybe some that were poisonous. But there were some that wolves wanted just to... eat for fun? He didn't know what a psychedelic trip was like, but if some wolves would give a lot of stuff for it then it must be pretty great. Of course the main thing he picked out of all of that was that she was going to trade for things she needed, but she moved on to her next question too quick before he could ask what she needed - not really occurring to him that she might have done that on purpose to keep him from asking.

He blinked with surprise at her question, clearly not really understanding why he wouldn't be trying to help her. All his father had ever taught him was help others, be the protector, take care of your sisters, help those in need... "Well, I mean... You're out here on your own and I made you mess up your mushrooms and stuff so... I figured I should help you, ya know? I gotta at least fix what I've messed up, right?" A shy grin pulled at his lips, his ears flicking nervously. "Plus... you're really pretty and stuff so I just wanted to get to know you too." He didn't know if he should be telling her that he thought she was pretty, but he did promise to be honest so now he was being honest.

Ezra Adravendi