
Death is saving me



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-20-2021, 06:16 PM
He darted and dodged around the yard that surrounded the front of the castle, occasionally getting a quick bite in on one of their legs or shoulders or anywhere that he could manage to sink his teeth. They got small bites and scratches in on him as well, but it was all a game of cat and mouse. Biding his time while he waited for the warriors to emerge from the castle. At some point he saw a couple of figures come running out of the castle doors though he was too focused on the beasts in front of him to pay much mind to who it was, though he thought perhaps he had seen the distinctive gleam of Artorias' sword somewhere in the mix. He managed to stumble back out of the fight for just a moment to catch his breath, panting hard and trying to take inventory of what was going on and if any more had appeared in the mad scramble to keep away from them. Seemingly out of no where he saw a blur of gray fur and his eyes went wide when he realized who it was. Resin. Resin had gotten out some how and he could only stand there in absolute shock as she joined the fray and immediately slammed into one of the giant dires with the same ferocity and bloodthirsty vigor that she had when he saw her at the fight with the saber cats.

Dread filled him, knowing full well that she wouldn't survive this fight in her current state and he grit his teeth, preparing himself to jump in and try and stop her, but before he could he felt someone at his side and glanced down to see Tamsyn standing there, giving him a shake of her head. She had let her out along with Sirius, who was only shortly behind her. It clicked in his mind without him having to ask. He didn't entirely understand the reason but there was nothing to be done now. He let a breath out through his nose and charged forward, mostly just to do damage control and make sure that Resin's wild attacks only went to their intended targets, hopping in to help where he could with the other fighters that worked to battle these intruders.

He caught glimpses of Resin occasionally and each time he felt like he saw more blood, more gore - hers and theirs. He and Artorias brought down one of the dires that she had injured but not killed, the brute already staggering away by the time he slammed into him, knocking him to the ground before standing back so Artorias could run him through with his sword. He looked up just in time to see Resin snapping in Artorias' direction, probably blindly reaching for the dire they had just killed. "Look out!" he shouted as he lunged forward, knocking his shoulder into Resin's side and shoving her away. He wasn't quite fast enough to keep her razor sharp teeth from catching the Baron's shoulder, tearing a wound into his skin, but it was probably a fraction of the damage she could have done. He winced and hurried to get Artorias to his feet, focusing on getting the boy away from the battlefield before he got any more injured or got caught in the cross fire while trying to recover.

A scream sent a chill through him and he looked back, seeing the devastating wound that the last remaining giant wolf had caused on her spine. He did his best to block Artorias' view, still urging him away as Resin fell to the ground, grief ripping at his chest. The one eyed dire loomed over her, but not before Resin took things into her own paws. She lunged up, making his eyes widen with shock as she ripped away the brute's jaw, causing him to stop in his tracks and stare as the massive wolf staggered back, screaming in pain with blood streaming from where its jaw had once been. He grit his teeth, looking away as Tamsyn's pained cries filled the air. He was vaguely aware of Sirius finishing off the one eyed bastard that had finally done Resin in. He left Artorias' side to start going around to each of the other fighters that had rushed out of the castle, quietly ordering them back inside. They didn't need to be here, not while Tamsyn mourned her mate. He'd call a funeral for their fallen founder once things were cleaned up here.

Ulric Adravendi