
Something To Tell You




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-20-2021, 11:03 PM

Naiche had known the question hadn’t been the smoothest but hell if he’d known a better way to ask.  Naiche’s question had been of course waiting to hear if she expected Indigo so the fact his name wasn’t on the list of potential was surprising.  Mojito?  Naiche knew Asla had liked him but, him also?  She had walked away but Naiche wasn’t rushing to get up.  Later he’d have to decide how to feel on her also being with Mojito closer but the potential of kids kept coming up.  Naiche wasn’t ready for kids!  On the other hand the idea of seeing Asla raising puppies that belonged to the dog-mix instead of him a bit at an odd bit of bitterness.  So did he want them?  No, of course not!  Did he want them to be Mo’s?  No.

What DID Naiche want?  Hell if he knew.  Deciding how he felt on this apparently would have to wait for later as Asla was talking again.  Naiche finally stood up at the talk of extra muscle and this other wolf.  He was about to argue the fact when Naiche had to acknowledge that she was the reaper and he was the general meaning he couldn’t just throw off his own duties and stay near her every moment or, at least, he shouldn’t be.  That didn’t stop his ears from flattening back some in irritation, it should be him on guard duty versus this Acantha.  

Acantha?  Someone so new not to have their own den yet?  “How long have you known her?  It seems better to have someone who has been a member of the pack longer to guard over you.”  At least Naiche wasn’t saying it should be himself.  Maybe Asla knew her from her past somehow?  Who could he suggest instead of someone new?  Who did he trust? Who did he trust with Asla?  With some reluctance, Naiche added, “Wouldn’t Mojito make more sense?”  It hurt saying it but the man was learning to fight, had medical skills, and obviously cared deeply for Asla.  

It also was going to mean another wolf staying with them for a time.  Hell, he’d help her find a den if she wanted.  “You know, I can help take over any tasks whenever you need?” Naiche really didn’t know much on how much rest or how careful Asla needed to be at the moment but he was all for caution.  Naiche made his way near Asla letting out a small sigh, “How do you feel? I don’t have any experience with this.  So I don’t know how much help you do or don’t need?” Naiche wanted to be defensive of his own ability to protect her, he wanted to choose who else could protect her and how much she should be doing.  Swallowing all of those wants he went for admitting ignorance, “I can’t be the only one guarding you,” grudgingly acknowledged, “so what can I do to help?” Of course, he would damn well guard her when he could.

With this thoughts still had to circle back to.  Kids? Me? Mo’s? Me? Not me. Me?

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]