
Find your comforts




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-20-2021, 11:33 PM

Tamsyn's immediate and vehement denial that she regretted their night together helped ease Kane's troubled heart. He had spent all day afraid that he had overstepped a major boundary, or he had somehow put Tamsyn off with something he'd said or did. When she shook her head and explained that she not only didn't regret anything, but that she'd also been thinking about it all day, it brought a knowing smirk to the brute's lips, a roguish gleam in his eyes while he stared back into those beautiful mint eyes she wore so normally as if they weren't the most breathtaking eyes a wolf had ever had. He had also spent most of his downtime thinking back on their mostly sleepless night, remembering every touch and smell and sound and taste in intimate detail. She apologized, but still seemed to be having difficulty explaining what she was sorry about. He didn't push her, instead letting her take all the time she needed to collect her thoughts while he hung on her every word silently.

Eventually, the explanation came out, and for all his fears and doubts, it was actually a legitimately good reason for Tam's secrecy. She explained how she hadn't wanted her children to find them, especially so soon after losing their other mother, how her son Artorias wouldn't take it well, and how she didn't want to expose them to anymore confusion and hurt feelings. He nodded his head in understanding, turning his paw to better receive Tamsyn's smaller one as it reached for him, holding her paw in his own while marveling at the size difference and how sleek and rich her raven black fur appeared next to his mahogany brown. The corners of his lips curled up in a faint smile, and his eyes were immediately seeking hers out again when she apologized again for not explaining things to him sooner, and for ducking out so rapidly in the morning, and emphasizing that she hadn't regretted their actions, but rather the location.

"You can stop apologizing, Tam, I'd already forgiven you when you said you didn't regret me," he replied with a crooked grin and a warm chuckle. He returned the gentle squeeze to her paw, refusing to let go of it, even when she tried to offer him an easy out. They could end things before they began, go their separate ways, and be nothing more than heartbroken acquaintances with one good memory. But Kane was a selfish bastard when it came to the wolves he liked. Tamsyn had already inserted herself into his life, left a permanent imprint on his mind, his heart, and his soul. It was impossible to tell how things might progress, or if they would, but Kane knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he didn't want to walk away from this special little fae that was giving him the saddest smile and rueful eyes that it crushed his beating heart.

Squeezing her paw again, Kane leaned his head down while bringing her paw up to lay a gentle kiss across her foreleg since he couldn't quite reach her from where he was lying. "It might take some work to navigate your family, but I think you're worth any effort it takes, Tamsyn," he said in his low, husky baritone, giving her a relaxed smile, content just to have her close by again. "Last night was the best night I'd had in years, and it's all thanks to you. You made me feel..." Good. Desirable. Loved. They all fit, but one word summed them all up nicely. "...alive." That was what Tamsyn had done. She had taken away his pain, his heartache, his lust for revenge, his singular focus and made him feel ways he hadn't felt since Tiva died. He could never put into words what she had done for him or how she had brought him back to life, but he had a feeling that the little black fae was probably familiar with the feeling as well, given her own recent loss.

"If it's better, and you still want to, we can find other ways to have more nights like that in private. We can restrict infirmary time to paw holding and sharing a bed, and maaaaaybe we could swing some more kisses if you really want." He grinned, then suddenly realized how that might have come across and rushed to do damage control. "I mean, I know we said it would be a one-time thing, and I don't think you're desperate or anything, because you're not! I just... I had a lot of fun, and it helped more than I thought it would, and maybe if you needed more of that to help with the heartache... Not that you're not coping just fine!" He flinched, peeking one hazel eye open to look at Tam with an awkward smile. "I'm really making a fool of myself, huh?" Despite tripping over his own words, he hoped Tamsyn understood what he had been trying to say. He was happy to be with Tam, happy to do things with her they both needed and wanted, especially since she was such a sweet, gentle, loving wolf and it was very, very easy to be attracted to her for that and so much more.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.