
Next New Age Abraxas 2:23-30



Advanced Intellectual (85)

Intermediate Healer (30)

5 Years
Extra large

Pride - HomoromanticPride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantCritical Fail!1K
05-21-2021, 03:54 PM

Every day the boy felt like he was growing more and more into his mottled skin, though he never put on the muscle and tone of his sisters. Instead, he found himself a lanky amalgam of sharp angles and subtle curves. Worst of all, his upper canines kept pushing themselves further and further from his jaws. Their sharp tips ended well below his chin, and he was working ever so hard to speak eloquently around them. By now, he was closing in on his adult size, and was certain he would be the smallest of the litter forever. Small, weak little boy. How could his mother ever be proud of him, when he was so frail looking and small compared to his sisters? Even Faith at least had the height of their mother to boast, though her physique was closer to his own. This morning he had stuck close to the shrine, tending to chores and maintaining the order of their stores.

His mother's summon rang out for all to hear, and the young wraith tucked the herbs he'd been working with back into their little jar before shaking the dust from his coat. He picked his way carefully through the shrine proper until he was outside. There was still snow on the ground, though in some places it gave way to patches of frozen earth and reviving grasses. He could smell the herbal incense coming from the bamboo shelter a short distance from the shrine, and padded closer. Upon slinking inside, he found many of his cousins had already arrived, and made themselves comfortable. He dipped his head respectfully to his mother, opting to avoid open affection this time around in the name of propriety. He skirted around his cousins until he could select an ideal spot that was relatively close to them, in the event he needed to observe something they were doing, or speak with them. However, there was still enough distance that he didn't feel the itch of their proximity under his skin.

Crossing dainty forepaws over one another, and sliding his hindquarters out from beneath himself to curl loosely out to one side, the violet painted youth gazed up at his mother. He was searching for answers, as to what they were doing here, what she had planned for their lesson, and how he ought to behave. Rather than ignore the offerings before him, he scooted a strip of jerky towards himself with an outstretched paw. Fitting it between his crossed forepaws, he worked away the tension in his jaws by chewing on it idly. Having an outlet for the energy that still roiled in his growing muscles and brain, he found he could relax a little more.



Pontifex's companions are a female Pesquet's Parrot named Hallux and a male Emperor Tamarin named Pollux, who are nearby and likely within earshot unless otherwise mentioned.