
What have you got this time?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-21-2021, 04:45 PM
ooc: liquid time to after Segindy coming home

For the most part, Ulric was happy to honor any agreements that Resin had made before he took over The Hallows so when Indigo asked to be allowed to bring in the refugees he found he had agreed easily for that to continue. He only asked that Indigo let him know when more needed to join their ranks or if they would be temporary stays. He was impressed by the big heart that the large, purple man seemed to have and considering the mission of The Hallows he was happy to allow wolves that needed help into their borders as long as they had the room to spare. It did make him curious about the Fatalis man though and considering they had spent little time individually he ended up with more questions than answers.

As he was doing his usual evening patrols he found a hint of Indigo's scent along with the scent of a loner and his own curiosity finally got the better of him, abandoning the half finished patrol to follow the scent. There was really no rush for Indigo to speak with him about his new comers, but he had to wonder what his Templar had planned for his future in the pack or otherwise with all these vagabonds that always seemed to find. He spotted Indigo fairly easily, his violet coat easy to find, and he got the man's attention with a bark, nodding his head for him to follow him out to the courtyard. He walked out into the open space, turning to face Indigo again with a soft smile. "Found another one, hm?" he asked with a chuckle, making it clear that he wasn't bothered by the development.

Ulric Adravendi