
I May Just Take Your Breath Away




Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
05-21-2021, 08:27 PM

Location: Amron’s Castle

Indigo’s incident at the ridge was by far one of the hardest things she had to conquer, knowing that he could have been gone in a second, protecting a stranger he didn’t know. She did not see fault in him protecting the stranger, the woman now in his care even though his care was limited in these days. She knew it was in his nature to do so, she would commend his bravery. She may have been relieved not to see the brutal events like how she wanted to turn from Indigo killing the saber cat, but that didn’t make her any less worried about his well being and his healing.

Late at night the four of them were cuddled in proximity of each other, Duchess found her own comfort in the arms of Indigo when she was able, but it was starting to get hard as his misfits grew in numbers. It was easy for her to push away the sour thoughts on her mind about the wolves here who shared his den, she was after all still wrapped in him and loved by him. It was hard to believe that she was being pushed out, or at least sharing the love of Indigo. She admired the heart that he had, as much as he believed it was out of reach.

Through the silence of the castle corridors, only the sound of evening bugs chirped from the outside world. Duchess found herself unable to sleep while always coming back to what if Indigo had died that day. She had made him feel... some kind of way when he returned from the Armada. And while she regretted it in that moment, she regretted even more now. Knowing that she could have strained their relationship and he would have died thinking that she wasn’t there for him, or what she said to him.

She shifted lightly, turning into to face the sleeping giant. He must have been drugged to let him sleep if he even was, she probably wasn’t making it easy for him now. Her eyes flicked the length of his nose and forehead, just admiring the peaceful look on his face. Her paws found their way to his chest while she moved forward to gently nuzzle along his jawline and mane. Celibacy was hard after the many things they had done, but it was harder for her now thinking of how she upset Indigo after his return. Her paws carefully searched through the mane of his chest before her lips moved a hidden kiss up to his, her eyes fluttering open to see if he had waked.

Walk "Talk"

Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.