
Find your comforts



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-21-2021, 10:21 PM
She relaxed some and breathed a sigh of relief when he told her that he forgave her once he heard that she didn't regret being with him. It was easier to grin when she had his to mirror. It didn't feel like they had just met just a little more than a day ago. Being around him was oddly easy and comfortable and the only reason she could figure out as to why was just the warm, welcoming air he had around him. He was incredibly charming and as he squeezed her paw and continued to hold it she found herself getting lost in those hazel eyes again. Perhaps she needed to be more careful and discrete while she tried to decide if this connection between them would end up growing to a point where she wanted him more permanently in her life, but he offered a reprieve and a companionship at the very least that she had been craving. That alone was worth its weight in gold to the widow.

He pulled a grin to her lips as he brought her paw up to his lips to give her foreleg a kiss, her heart fluttering at even that small, gentlemen-like affection. She loved listening to his low voice as he spoke of navigating her family, surprising her when he said that she was worth all of the effort. She had thought that perhaps their time together had effected her so dramatically and so noticeably because of the grief she was still trying to process, justifying to herself why she was constantly thinking about the night before and constantly thinking about him. Hearing him say that she made him feel alive struck a chord in her and her expression softened with a genuine smile. She knew exactly what he meant. It perfectly described how she had felt as well. Part of her had died with Resin, but he made a different part of her feel alive. A new part that he had uncovered. She smirked as he talked about how they might adjust the when and where of their affections and was about to agree with him when he suddenly started trying to retrace his steps, giving amendments to what he said to clarify that he hadn't seen her as desperate and that she was coping fine, throughly putting his foot in his mouth by trying to take it out.

She laughed as he winced and said he was making a fool of himself, making her give him a wide grin and shake her head. "You are ridiculous, but not a fool, you silly wolf." She pulled her paw from his, but only so she could step close enough to gently press her muzzle to his in a light kiss, but even just that soft bit of affection reminded her of their night together and returned some of that warmth to her. "I would love all of that. The secret time, the paw holding, and maybe even the kisses, if you want." Chuckling, she gave him another quick kiss before glancing at his bandaged shoulder, looking back to him with a curious glance. "Do you think we could make it out to the plains if I help you? I feel like you could use some fresh air and perhaps we can find a secluded spot out there for some of this private time you've promised." She grinned shyly and her face flushed at her own boldness, not used to being so forward with something like this. Kane brought out a whole new side of her that was excited and nerve wracking at the same time.

Tamsyn Carpathius