
I May Just Take Your Breath Away




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2021, 05:48 AM

Indigo was never alone anymore, a fact that comforted him beyond much else. He was never alone with his thoughts and however pleasant that was the practice was unhealthy. He pushed down his sorrow and loss in favor of love and affection. There were many sleeping bodies curled nearby his own, the gentle sound of sleepy breathing had lulled him to rest himself. After returning to the Hallows with Iolaire and his belly very nearly ripped open he hadn’t moved very far from the suite he claimed for himself and the wolves he surrounded himself with. He’d refused most of the pain medications that Iolaire offered to him, but he suspected that night the knowledgeable healer had slipped him a few extra herbs. He slept deeper than he had so far with his injury, and he didn’t wake in the middle of the night clutching his belly and whining at the pain that laced through his torso. That experience had been humbling and he didn’t wish to repeat it.

Once he had been put back together it became increasingly more difficult for him to lay on his back. It stretched his belly far too much. He was resigned to laying in a fetal like position. His belly was ripped open, but it was skewed to the left of his body, so when he laid on his right side his wound could be worked on and it wouldn’t put pressure on it. He was barred from being intimate with anyone, a fact that hadn’t deterred him yet. Indigo spent most of his time sleeping anyway as his body did its best to recover. Being the one to be doted on was different, but Indigo appreciated every kindness he received. It was a little easier to ignore what he really wanted, not that he could even accomplish anything with his broken belly.

It was dark when he woke up, and to his pleasant surprise it was not pain that grabbed him, but the sweetest angelic kiss. ”Mmm…” He rumbled softly, keeping blue eyes closed as he leaned into Duch’s affection and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He moved carefully, wincing when he pulled his wounds too tight. ”Can’t sleep?” Indigo whispered quietly, realizing the night was far from over he was reluctant to wake the other sleeping bodies. Not waiting for an answer he leaned back into her sweet lips, reminded again of his restrictions.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.