
What have you got this time?




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-22-2021, 02:09 PM
Ulric saw the hurt in his expression at the question and a bit of concern pulled at his brow, but he didn't press Indigo for more. He waited patiently while the younger man seemed to gather his thoughts before finally lifting his head again and declaring that he would like to take his wolves and lead them as a traveling band. Surprise colored Ulric's expression. He hadn't considered that as a possibility, though he could understand why that would be an attractive way to live as long as they kept their group small enough to be able to move around easily. Not being held to one place as the weather changed would certainly be nice and it would give him more freedom find the wolves that needed him as long as that remained his goal and purpose.

"I like the sound of that," he told him with a smile and a small nod. "I'll certainly be sad to see you go. The Hallows will miss your talents. But I also know what it's like to have a dream and a goal and I'd never want to prevent you from having that. Whenever you think you're ready to embark on that journey just let me know. I'll see you and your band off." He'd have to see to recruiting some more members once Indigo and his clan of wolves departed, but that would be his concern, not Indigo's. Just another on the never ending to do list of an alpha.

"I don't want you to be a stranger after you go," he told him thoughtfully. "I'm not sure what you'll need as a traveling band, but perhaps we can find things to trade or make some kind of arrangement in the future. I'd like to support you in your endeavors if I can." He wasn't sure why he had such a soft spot for the younger man. Maybe he saw a lot of himself as a young man in him. Maybe he felt like he needed to step in to the space that Resin had left. Either way, he was eager to see Indigo achieve his dreams and continue helping wolves since he seemed so incredibly gifted in that area of his life.

Ulric Adravendi