
I could really give a good goddamn




7 Years
Chrono I

05-22-2021, 04:19 PM

Life is short, but this time it was bigger


Aranea had come down from the drugs now that they weren't in her system, but she still wasn't feeling entirely well. Her insides pained her, she was still feeling sick from her empty stomach. Her breathing felt a little labored as she was still processing what she had done and how she was still here.

She only glanced as Ulric entered the room again, looking forward to where Gywnevere was standing but wouldn't follow her as Ulric motioned for her to leave. Instead she kept her gaze forward, away from Ulric out of the shame and embarrassment she felt. She felt the tension build as he stayed silent, probably sorting through his thoughts. And he would finally let out a single word, or question really.

She instantly changed from emotionless into a sob, not letting him go unanswered. "I can't live like this anymore Ulric!" She struggled for breath through the first few words, but her words became more clear as she went on. "Allegro didn't want me like this." In fact, she had no intent of Allegro knowing she was pregnant at all,  and who knew if it could have been any different had she joined him in Abaven as she was supposed to.

"I-" her voice broke as she wasn’t able to tell him what came after she left The Hallows. The stranger she let rape and berate her, it had opened her eyes to more than one thing. It did not help her self esteem as much as it was already beaten.

She regained herself, looking at him as she called him out, "You told me you would do anything for me." she reminded him of the fact that he had gone back on by sending her away, even if it was justified because it was. "I would have settled for you, I would have mothered your children, I would have done anything for you." She found herself looking away, thinking of how she told him that she loved him, "You lied, you didn’t feel the same!" Her voice broke down in a sob again, she had grown her own resent of him through their time apart. For reasons that were beyond his control, and mostly out of her own delusions.

Walk "Talk"


Than the strength she had to get up off her knees

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead