
Bane x Alena pups!


07-31-2013, 06:17 PM
Name: Sirin
Gender: Female
Adult size in inches: 31 in.
Appearance: #6
Adult Sirin
As an adult, Sirin is a softly spoken and quiet woman. She prefers to watch others play things out and hold her own counsel. This woman prefers to avoid conflict, keeping her temper, and her head, firmly held in check. She would be the one to keep her head cool when others lose their's. She rarely laughs, but she often smiles. Her voice quiet, her manner mild.
There is always another side to the coin, though. Sirin holds a secret pleasure, something that she despises and regrets having. Death. Killing. The taking of a life. It brings her an ecstasy that is so amazing that it frightens her. The aftermath of making a kill, even if it is a simple rabbit or squirrel, involves a manic laughter, filled with a wild glee. This strange state does not come out with injury or a fight, only the end result, the dead body. This body is not ever cannibalized either. She is not that much of a monster, thought this might just change later on.

Puppy Sirin
Sirin was always a follower as a child. She followed the larger pup, she followed the games others came up with. She never really gave her ideas or input unless egged on by others. She never talked much, but when she did there was usually a swear word thrown in. She never meant anything by it, they were just fun words to say that she would throw in at random points in a sentence. How did she learn these words you may ask? Well, she sure as heck won't say. She was happy though, and cheerful. She was a little bundle of curiosity though. Other then that, she held the normal puppy attitude towards everything.

RP sample:

"Holy ****! WHAT IS THAT THING?!" Her loud cry broke the nice peaceful state the forest had been in. The quiet burbling and chirping of the birds was silenced by the loud sound. They were probably shocked that one of the top predators in the forest was being so noisy and obvious, even if it was just a pup. Why was it even alone, anyway?

Sirin had wandered away, on a dare of course, since she was not a bad child like certain siblings were, and was off on an adventure. She was stopped on top of a log that had taken her forever to get on top of and pretending to be a sneaky spy deep in enemy territory. She had just seen an enemy snuffling around in the dirt. She didn't know what it was, but it might be a hedgehog, except it was a bit too big. It was brown-black in color with white spikes sticking out. It was staring at her right now. The best sneaky spy in the world had her cover blown.

Sneaky spy Sirin, a name she had come up with all by herself for this adventure, gave a growl at the hedgehog that was too big to be a hedgehog. It was a weak thing, not nearly as scary as her mother's, and she was certain that the animal started to laugh at her. It gave a weird huffing sound and shook its tail at her once before going back to whatever it had been doing before. This made little Sirin angry, causing her to give a slightly-but-not-very-much scarier growl and an angry voice that said, "Hey you big ugly thing! I am the super sneaky spy Sirin! You don't ignore me! I am a wolf, and can eat you up you little ****! She didn't get off the log though. Those spikes looked scary. They could fill her up with holes. Mommy would get angry at her if she did that.

(****= Enter swear word of your choice here)