
Find your comforts



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
05-22-2021, 06:16 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2021, 06:16 PM by Tamsyn. Edited 1 time in total.)
Tamsyn grinned and rolled her eyes at his dramatic show of dying without her kisses, giggling as she shook her head at this ridiculous dire wolf. She loved his humor though and it never seemed to fail to make her laugh and gods did she love when he called her his blackbird. Seeing the look he gave her when she mentioned getting him outside made her grin in response and it made her happy that she had offered even though her own motherly worry flared to life when he suddenly started working himself off of the cot and onto the floor. She readied herself to help keep him from falling if he needed it, but the large male found his footing and was only a bit wobbly as he kept the pressure off of his injured shoulder. She laughed again when he requested that they not tell Gwynevere since her daughter frightened him with her intensity. Laughter felt incredible after so many months of pain and sadness. Almost as good as he had made her feel the night before. "The secret is safe with me. I certainly don't want her mad at me for facilitating your escape!" Her tail wagged at his kisses, returning the one to his lips with a grin. "Alright, lets get you out of here!"

She led Kane out of the infirmary and down the corridor, keeping herself at his side to help support him as best she could while he hobbled on three legs. It was hard to do considering how much smaller she was than him, but when there was a will there was a way and they both most certainly had a will. Slowly they worked their way out of the castle entrance and out into the open, feeling the cool night air with a refreshing breeze. The sky was clear and the every star in the sky was clearly visible as they continued out into the Starlit Plains, the grasses brushing against their legs as they went. She found a spot pretty far from the castle near the stream that flowed through the territory, the quiet trickling of water combining with the soft sounds of insects that created the most peaceful atmosphere she could have asked for. The view of the stars from here had been one of the many things that had won her over when they moved to Auster and it had helped her get past the nostalgia and love she had held for their first home. This has ultimately been the best decision for the pack and had given their family such a wonderful home to grow up in, but a little part of her still missed the falls where her children had been born.

She made sure he got settled down before she settled herself beside him, leaning into his side with a smile. "You really love being outside, huh?" she questioned, remembering how relieved he had looked at the mere suggestion of getting him out of the infirmary after just a day and a half of being in there. She knew not all wolves enjoyed being inside the castle as they had grown accustomed to at this point, but it still made her curious if there was any particular reason behind his love of the outdoors in particular.

Tamsyn Carpathius