
Find your comforts




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-22-2021, 11:14 PM

With Tamsyn's assistance, Kane limped his way down the dark corridors of the castle, slowly building his gait as he went. He found an easy loping to settle into that didn't put any strain on his shoulder, and soon enough they were crossing through the castle gates and out into the expansive fields surrounding the giant fortress. As soon as the cool night breeze hit his fur, Kane felt rejuvenated. A huge grin spread across his face as he swallowed a deep breath of fresh air, enjoying the warmer summer night. The breath released as a long, heavy sigh of relief, studying the terrain under the silver moonlight. The plains were a lot larger than he remembered them being—but then again, the only time he'd seen them was moments before he collapsed from blood loss. It was so quiet out here, with only the sounds of nocturnal insects and the breeze in the grass and trees keeping it from being entirely silent.

Kane followed Tamsyn's lead across the plains and down to a small stream. The trickling of flowing water felt like a cool drink to his psyche. Being back in nature, amongst the elements where he had been born, lived, and thrived felt right. Unbeknownst to him, the hunter hadn't stopped smiling since they'd left the castle. Not that he minded the shelter it provided, but being kept cooped up in a room on a small bed had been driving him mad! The two wolves walked down to the stream, Kane pausing to take in the serene surroundings. Between the crickets chirping, the babbling stream, and the occasional breeze rustling the soft grasses, everything felt lulled into a tranquil harmony. Fireflies danced around in the summer breeze like tiny stars themselves, while overhead the full moon cast everything in an almost ethereal veil of silver.

Kane felt right at home, and he easily settled down into the soft grass while Tamsyn joined him. He had still been admiring the natural world around them when she mentioned how he loved being outside. The brute cast a gleeful smile her way, and responded, "I do. I've lived my entire life out amongst trees and rocks, in caves or dens I've dug in the earth, beside streams and rivers and oceans... It's where I feel most connected to the universe." A glimmer of realization caused his eyes to widen, along with his smile, and he looked at Tamsyn as his tail began to wag. "Oh, and now I can do this again!" Locating the moon hanging large in the summer sky, Kane lifted his muzzle and let out a low, melodic howl that seemed to carry for miles around. His mellifluous tone ran for as long as he had breath in his lungs, the sound content and peaceful, until it faded off as he took a deep breath.

"Oh, you have no idea how good it feels to be able to do that," he said with a chuckle, then lifted his muzzle to sing another howl to the night. He wasn't concerned with waking anyone back at the castle. They were a good distance away, he wasn't being too loud, and even if someone heard, it wouldn't be unusual for a pack of wolves to hear howls. But by the sun, moon, and stars, did it feel good to let his soul sing to the heavens again! His paws flexed, running through dirt and grass, reveling in the feelings of it under his toes. As his howl ended again, Kane began to relax more readily, leaning his bigger form against Tamsyn's while he snuggled a little closer to her. "Whew, sorry about that, I had to get caught up," he said with a grin, hazel seeking mint in the intimately dim moonlight. "Do you like being outside, Tam, or are you solidly a queen of the castle?" He gave her a teasing smirk, but his jest was also laced with genuine curiosity. Now was a great time for them both to learn more about the other—without immediately colliding into one another's arms in a fit of passion and desperation.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.