
I could really give a good goddamn




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-23-2021, 09:28 AM
He was half way out the door when she told him that two of them were alive, freezing him in his tracks. He very nearly called for Gwynevere then and there as proof, but he didn't. His hackles were already bristled, but his muscles tensed as he stood there conflicted and at war with himself. He could care less if she lived or died at this point. She had caused too much pain, too much strife, for himself and those around her. Allegro, her children, their unborn children, not to even mention the tear she had placed between himself and Ezra that he had only just begun to heal... But those children. Those children that might be his. The two that might still be alive. That was enough to make him pause, make him reconsider.

But the thought of her being here in the castle made his skin crawl. He couldn't live like that for however long it would take to get her out. Not when he had the power to do something about it. He almost didn't even want the children here either on the off chance that she did survive. He didn't want an excuse for her to be here near him. But the soft spot he had for pups in his heart outweighed pretty much anything else. It was enough for him to turn toward her enough to be able to look at her again with a pained expression, his stomach churning uneasily. "I don't want you here," he repeated, his voice hard and final. He faltered slightly, giving a trembling, furious sigh. "There's a few dens on the edges of the gardens south west of the castle. Take what you need and go there. I'll send someone occasionally to bring you meals and I'll send Gwynevere to assist with the birth. But... But you can't be here. I can't... I can't live with you here. Get out."

He turned and stormed out. He was heaving air into his lungs as he stormed back out into the cool evening air, furious and pacing and at a loss for what he could do with himself. All he knew was that he couldn't be in the same room with her. He couldn't be in the same structure as her. He was at his wits end and he couldn't possibly take any more. He stalked off toward the training grounds, going to release some anger while he figured out his next steps.


Ulric Adravendi