
A Place That I Call Home




3 Years
Extra small
05-23-2021, 12:38 PM

Back in the courtyard, Gypsy curled up atop a tussock of grass, tucking her little paws beneath her like a cat. The breeze was gentle and she enjoyed the feel of it sliding through her coat. Right now, at this very moment, she was content. It didn't seem as though anything could go wrong. If things kept going the way that they were, maybe she might actually be happy.

Gypsy was beginning to trust Duchess. She didn't believe that the woman held any ill will towards her, though she did note the attraction that she had to Indigo. Gypsy didn't want to come between them, and so she tried to make as little fuss and as little demand upon them as she could manage. With trust came the desire to speak, to share. It seemed that Duchess wanted to learn about her as well and asked about interests. The small woman's ears flicked forward before she spoke. "I was never really allowed to have interests." Anything that she liked was pointless. It was all about what her father liked. What would make him a rich man.

Again Gypsy turned her face into the breeze, her milky eyes closing slightly against the wind. "I like to sing. I used to be forced to sing for my supper." If she didn't turn the hearts of the ones with food, then she starved. So, over time, Gypsy honed her craft and sang as though she held angels inside of her. She'd been told that she had reduced more than one wolf to tears in her time.

The minuscule fae turned her face towards where she thought Duchess was sitting. "Now that I'," It was still strange to say that aloud. Like she still didn't believe it. "I would like to be more useful." Her ears took on that familiar, submissive tuck. "But I don't know how much help a blind girl could be." It saddened her to know that she couldn't repay the kindness that had been given to her.


**Gypsy's past is full of some extreme abuse. Be warned.**

Indigo may enter any of Gypsy's threads as he sees fit.