
Something To Tell You




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
05-23-2021, 07:00 PM

Naiche’s mindset had been one of confusion about how to handle the situation and concern for Asla.  With so much in his own mind to sort out what he hadn’t thought to get as a reaction was angry Asla.  So it was that from the moment she labeled him by rank and continued stating out how things would be Naiche had time to go from confusion and shock to smoking anger of his own.  

After her explanation of Acantha Naiche’s eyes flicked around for Pan but then turned back to focus on Asla as she went on.  She was chasing him out?  Whatever.  Naiche hadn’t wanted to be here originally anyway.  The golden wolf could go back to his own den where he wouldn’t have to deal with Asla.  No more having to curl up together, no more concerning himself with if she was fine at the end of the day.

Have to exist together?  Naiche was struggling to not show the depth of his anger.  For the most part, he did good, his ears were part ways down and his eyes bore into Asla with an intent focus.  Numerous things he wanted to say pressed at his mouth but they were kept in.  Hell with this.  What interest did he have in dealing with Asla?  He’d been smarter when he ignored her most of the time.

A deep exhale, getting the tightness in his chest to loosen he spotted Pan watching from the corner.  Naiche moved to the pangolin and waited as it climbed on him.  Pan gave Asla a wave with no sign of personal grudge, ever the friendly fellow.  Naiche had some things, a lot of things to sort out in his mind, best to do it alone anyway.

“Alright,” the one response with a sense of finality as he turned to head towards the den’s entrance.  He paused at the exit, another slow exhale for self-control, “let me know if you need me, Reaper.” The words were meant to be polite but there was a cold edge to them.   This was the best he’d manage.  Naiche was pissed as hell and the longer he stayed with Asla right now the more likelihood of blowing his top.  He’d go on patrol, just to move and loosen up tense muscles.  

Speech:"Live to fight" Think

[Image: WE5CTgt.png]