
I Know You Never Wanted This




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
05-23-2021, 10:49 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2021, 10:51 PM by Mojito. Edited 1 time in total.)

If truth be told Mojito wasn't totally sure where he stood with the Reaper. Not since that night, they'd shared on the beach but he was doing his best not to let his own feelings get in the way of his duty to her. In the end, he knew at least they were friends and that he could perform. There was something unsettling about her response, while by all rights he had no desire to see the woman hurt further the tone of her voice made him frown slightly.

Her next sentence probably would have knocked him off his paws if he'd been only a little younger, and while his brows shot up in a clear indication of his shock he managed to remain calm, and not just externally. He chewed on her words for some time. His gaze moving along her abdomen, the slightest of swells suddenly standing out to him. Without saying anything else he moved towards the woman. The next words he spoke were a soft question: "May I?" He gestured towards her abdomen, asking if he could check her. He had heard her earlier statement but with her in front of him now he still wanted to do his duty if she'd allow it.

"I won't administer to you or them if that's what you prefer but may I ask where else to intend to go if not?" Mojito was vaguely aware there were other healers in the pack but with so much happening he hadn't had much time to meet them or know exactly how prepared any of them were to handle the pregnancy of the warlord's daughter... not that he himself was particularly well equipped but this early on at least he could gear his guardian towards building up stores of pregnancy herbs.

He supposed she worried it could be a conflict of interest? But Mojito did not consider it that way. Though there had been initial shock at the idea of his potential paternity the young man was already convincing himself the children this woman, the woman he loved with his entire heart, was carrying were not his. Mojito knew well enough what bringing partial dog-blooded children into the world would mean for a prominent family and while the Fatalis were not his cousins he had no doubt her family would struggle to accept any dog-blooded children as his had. It wasn't that Mojito did not want his own children, or even that he hadn't dreamed of having a family with Asla, in particular, it was simply that the possibility the children's were Naiche's gave him a way to feel he wouldn't be bringing more children into the world who would face the same struggles he had. If nature or the gods were merciful these children would not be his. And so he chose to believe they weren't.


Holy Heck, thanks Kat!
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.