
Pretty is as Pretty Does



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-31-2013, 07:03 PM

Erani padded through the territory, pausing now and then to nip up certain herbs that she wanted to add to her stockpile. Yarrow, no, she had plenty of that, the supply seemed endless. Anti-immflamatory, sterile, it was excellent for treating infections. It treated fevers and colds, as well as sore throats. Often, she wondered if those properties could be enhanced somehow. Maybe if it was hot. But how to heat it? It was also useful in stopping diarrhea. So many uses. Oh! There was some Moon Grass. It was also good for sore throats, as well as tender gums. She nipped it up. Turning back to her memories, she recalled that it was also a good pain reliever.

She spotted mountain strawberries, ripe berries red dots of color against the verdant green foliage. She made a note of it?s location. It was a good calming plant, but not good for use during fevers. She paused, spotted the hooded purple flowers. Aconite. It was a poison, usually, but her mother had told her that used in the right way, it could ease fear, or panic attacks, and birthing fear. Her tail flicked. The root was never to be used. That was the death root. She turned away from the plant, noting the location. She padded along through a small meadow, and stopped to nip up meadowsweet plants. Effective in curing indigestion, aches, pains, and arthritis pains. This was one of the plants that she had been taking to Cairo when he?d? Her heart panged softly.

Her paws took her along a narrow wolf path into the shade of a patch of forest, deep blue eyes flicking along the bushes and mosses, then paused, one paw raised, ears pricked. Two scents brushed her muzzle, similar to what lay upon Mercianne?s fur. The old Glaciem wolves. She slipped forward on silent paws, interested to see who was at the borders, and, by the smell of it, past those borders. She paused just out of their sight, and watched the two. They were young, the same ages as her own children. One looked like he didn?t want to be here, and the other? Erani winced as the black and white female forced her way through the patch of Milk Thistle, yelping as she spoke. Naming the properties very well. Erani stepped forward, tail flicking amusedly. ?It also remedies depression, Jaundice, Infection in the liver, and Cancer.?

Deep blues glinted amusement as she approached and bent to pull one of the prickly plants down delicately to the ground, and deftly used her claw to sever the head from the stem. Her eyes lifted to the young female?s as she set the head before her own paws. ?I am Erani, Lead Healer of Valhalla. What brings you across our borders, little healer child?? Her voice was gentle, ghostly velvet, lilted with highland accent and a main strain of British.