
She’s a Fox



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
05-24-2021, 04:55 PM

He felt his face get hot with embarrassment at the stunned reaction she had to his confession, realizing that was probably just a little bit too far. He wanted to be honest, but maybe he should have kept that bit of information to himself for a little longer. He hadn't exactly interacted with strangers all that often so he had to figure out where exactly the line was between being honest and making things awkward. He gave a shy grin to her compliment, catching the shortened nickname she gave him. Well, it was certainly better than Speckles so he could definitely settle for Ez if she liked that. He couldn't really tell if having a unique coat was a good thing or not, but he took it as a compliment anyway. "Oh, thanks," he replied, equally as awkward even though he was the one that had caused the awkward in the first place.

He still didn't really want to just accept her forgiveness for the mushrooms he had messed up for her, but it didn't seem like she was going to let him do anything to make it up to her so he didn't really have a choice. He nodded to the statement, begrudgingly accepting it. He winced a little and gave her an apologetic grin when she pointed out how bad he was doing at getting to know her since he hadn't asked another question for their game that he had admittedly forgotten about. He had been too focused on her green eyes and pretty, fluffy coat and how the light glistened lightly off parts of the fur that looked like it would be incredibly silky. "Um... I... I don't know what to ask," he admitted, his ears flicking back. Jeeze, he was really just making a mess of this, huh?

Feeling as if their meeting was being forced to draw to a close he quickly added, "Well... If you ever need anything or want a pack to trade with or anything, I live in a pack in that direction called The Hallows," he said, lifting his paw to point back behind him toward the castle in the distance. "They're all about helping anyone in need and stuff so... Just let us know if you need help or a place to stay or whatever." He gave her another apologetic glance as he got up, silently kicking himself for being so painfully awkward. "It was really nice meeting you, Syanna. Um... I hope I see you again sometime." With that he turned to leave and get himself out of there before be made a bigger fool of himself.

Ezra Adravendi