
Facing my choices




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-24-2021, 06:41 PM


Ulric mulled over her words and in the end, focused on the fact that the children could be born alive and they could be his. Eska knew that he would choose that path and wasn't surprised at all when he didn't even acknowledge her offer to take the woman out. Poisoned as she been, it would be like crushing the throat of a baby bird, she imagined. A simple feat. Eska didn't have the moral hang ups that other wolves had. The woman had unjustly taken life, so it was fair that she pay for those lives with her own. The brindled woman was comfortable with doing the tasks that others found distasteful or unsavory. But if Ulric wished for her to live... So be it.

The man then apologized, a weary look on his face. When he pulled away, Eska felt the absence. His words struck her hard and she almost winced. "Do you think so little of me to think that an accident before we even met would turn me away from you?" Stepping up close to the giant man, a silver dipped paws gently cupped his cheek. "All that I know of you is what you've shown me. That's all I need to know." Her golden eyes met his silver orbs and she maintained that hold on him. "Ulric, you are a good man. Everyone makes mistakes, but I know in my gut that you are more than worthy of my time and efforts. I would never hold your past against you."

As the troubled brute remembered that he would have to tell his older children about the potentially new children, she could feel the panic rise within him. "We can tall them together if you'd like. I'd love to meet them if you think it's appropriate." To help ease the brutes fears, Eskas raised her lips to his, a soft kiss bestowed before she spoke softly. "You aren't alone. Not in anything." The silver spattered woman's gaze searched his, a little bit of vulnerability showing in their depths. "Not unless you want to be."