
Take Me Down

Resin's Funeral (family only)


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
05-25-2021, 12:02 AM

Rudy had been there for the fight, had watched his mom battle with the fierceness he had remembered her for.  He felt a wash of emotions from fear for his mom, pride of his mom, and relief to see his mom again.  Sure, he had seen her in the cell but for the fight, he had seen his real mom.  Thinner and sick but fighting with that fierceness he had known her for.  That memory would also be stained by the memory of her attacking Artorias and of course her mangled body.  The fight had come and gone before he knew it and now there was nothing.

When he realized Ulric and Sirius were digging a grave Rudy had silently gone over, glancing at the two of them before silently starting to help dig out the grave.  He didn’t want to speak, doubted they wanted to speak and what words would really be needed anyway?  The motley grey wolf needed to do something and if digging a grave was the last thing he could do for mom then that’s what would be done.

Eventually, the grave was dug and Ulric called for others of his family.  Rudy looked about the area and moved towards Art and his mom.  Art got a glance of concern but the boy moved to sit on the opposite side of mom.  Tamsyn’s face would be an eternal memory of how Resin had died.  Rudy kept his own pain in a tiny box in the back of his mind to be poked at later.  For now, he just pressed his shoulder against mom’s, his head lightly touching her neck.  Word’s weren’t needed here but, this was his way of a silent reminder he was there.

His focus centered back on the covered form of his mom, stomach twisting so that he felt sick but stubbornly refusing to acknowledge emotions.  Later he could acknowledge his emotions but right now the grey wolf needed to hold himself together.  Thus it was best not to talk as words might weaken his stability.  Rudyard Carpathius would not dishonor his mom by acting weak and crying in public.  He would care for the one mom he had left.

Rudyard Carpathius