
Find your comforts




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-26-2021, 12:15 AM

A soft hum of delight came from the timber-hued brute when Tamsyn turned her muzzle to gently kiss the ankle of his foreleg, her tender affection making his pulse quicken. She seemed to like the idea of getting to know one another more, which he was happy to participate in with her. They had both enjoyed the physical pleasures of their bodies the night before, and while he was more than eager to indulge in those carnal delights and releases again, Tamsyn deserved more than to be treated as an outlet for his sexual desires. He wanted to form a genuine relationship with this amazing fae, and if at the end of it she only wanted to engage in casual sex with him, then at least he could be comfortable knowing they had tried and this was what they were to be. Tamsyn suggested they take turns sharing information and stories, and a delighted smile touched Kane's face as he readily agreed. That would be more fun that one of them dominating the entire conversation.

He let Tamsyn take the lead, watching while she idly played with his foreleg and the scars that lined his skin there. Even this little innocent touch left static tingling across his skin. She began her story by warning him that there was nothing from her early life that she followed or practiced, and it made him curious as to how bad her upbringing had really been. He didn't have to wonder long though, as Tamsyn began to detail the structure (or lack thereof) in her birth pack, different from the Hallows, but very similar to his own brith pack. One wolf led, governed, and guided the pack while the rest were all on equal terms. That was familiar to him, and he nodded his head in understanding. He couldn't keep from smirking and chuckling under his breath when Tam explained that she didn't know much of the pack's religion because her father didn't trust her to behave outside of their home. Hazel eyes twinkled mischievously as he imagined a much younger Tamsyn rebelling whenever she could. The thought was more than amusing to him.

However, that was where the smiles and humor ended. He followed Tamsyn's mint eyes down to the rows of scars on her foreleg, the smirk slipping from his lips while he recalled what she had told him about her father and brother last night. That smirk was further pulled into a frown when Tamsyn explained how her pack saw and treated women as property with their only function being sexual pleasure for the men and to have children. His gaze darkened a touch when she mentioned wishing she could go back and liberate the other faes from the pack, wondering how they must be suffering in that oppressive misogynistic society. It was survivor's guilt, plain and simple, but it didn't make her feelings any less valid. It sounded like Tamsyn had been lucky when she got out, even if it had almost cost her her life. "I'm sorry you had to endure such things, Tamsyn," he spoke with soft empathy once she had finished. It didn't feel like enough, but he was at a loss for what else to say or do.

Without a word, Kane leaned closer to press his side into Tamsyn's, his muzzle snuffling through the short fur on top of her head and placing a soft kiss between her ears. "I'm glad you got out of there. I can't imagine what life would have been like there for you." The sweet smile on her lips swiftly drove away the clouds from his eyes though, and when she passed the game back over to him, Kane chewed on his lip while he thought about what to tell her from his tribe. "Hmm... Well, since you never got to learn your family's religion, how about I tell you my family's beliefs?" he suggested. It had been such a long time since he'd told the stories of their origins to anyone, and the first time he'd ever tell them to someone outside his tribe. "When wolves in my tribe are pups, we are told this story of our creation and the cycle of Life and Death, and the balance in the universe. It's the crux of our spiritualism, and it does require some participation from you too." He grinned at her; if she wanted to know about his tribe, then he was going to treat her like she was a part of it.

Slowly pulling his paw out from beneath hers, Kane rested his larger paws over top of Tamsyn's, feeling the warmth of her underneath his touch. Doing his best to not get distracted by how soft her fur felt mingling with his or how tiny and delicate her paws seemed under his massive feet, Kane leaned closer and gave the edge of her ear a teasing nip before whispering into it, "Close your eyes." He waited until Tamsyn had followed his instructions, waving a paw in front of her face to verify before settling it back over her paws and continuing. "I told you about how all living things are created by this one universal energy that we simply call the Universe. It is why we are all connected and all similar, no matter where we come from or what families we belong to. Every wolf shares the same spirit. It is our experiences and our journeys that shape that energy into the spirit specific to ourselves." He paused for a moment to let Tamsyn take in the words he spoke, listening to her breathe for a moment.

"I want you to imagine the sun. A giant mass of warmth and light. That is the Universe. Not literally, but just like that. An endless mass of energy that exists all around us, uniting us in this world." He gave Tamsyn a moment to get the mental picture in her head. "Along with the Universe, there are two wolves: a lady as white as snow and as delicate as glass, and a brute black as night, large and burly. These are Life and Death, the light and shadow in our world. They cannot exist without one another, and they are always together for they are lovers, a mated pair forever bound to the Universe." Again Kane gave Tamsyn a moment to create the picture. "At the beginning of the world, there was only Life and Death. They existed together in harmony, basking in the energy of the Universe. But as time went on, Life became lonely. So she drew some energy from the Universe and shaped it into the first wolf, giving it her own energy and placing it amongst the stars. So happy was she as she watched her creation explore the world, run through the woods, swim in the streams, that she created another, and then another, and so on and so on, making more and more creatures to inhabit this world.

"But the more she created, the more energy she used, and over time, Life became weaker and more frail. Her mate, Death, pleaded for her to stop, but Life was tenacious. She could not stop creating; it was what she existed to do. Death knew that if he allowed her to keep creating without limit, she would destroy herself. Fortunately for her, Death is a jealous lover and incredibly protective. As the wolves Life made grew older, or got sick, or were too gravely injured, Death began to come to the world and reclaim their energy, recycling it and bringing it back to the Universe. By doing so, he gave Life some of her energy back, revitalizing her and allowing her to continue to create." Still making sure Tamsyn's eyes were closed as he told her their story of creation, Kane shifted slightly to better face her, a delighted grin on his face. "This is the balance our world exists in. Life gives her energy to us as we are born, we shape that energy into our spirits throughout our lives, and when our time here is done, then Death comes to take our spirits back to Life. And the cycle continues on forever. It is why Death is not feared nor grieved when he comes for us. It is the final journey we all must take before we return to the Universe to either exist among the stars, or return to this world anew."

Keeping quiet and moving slowly, Kane brought a paw up beneath Tamsyn's chin, and if she offered no resistance, he would gently tilt her chin up until he had her facing up towards the starry heavens. "Open your eyes," he spoke softly, waiting until she had done so and was gazing at the millions of glistening diamonds in the sky above them, swirling, twirling, dancing with light. "Every star you see above you is a spirit that has rejoined the Universe. They watch over us, over the ones they loved when they were here. That is why our prayers are songs to the moon and stars. We sing for our loved ones that have gone back to be with Life, and we sing to Life for giving us our spirits and putting us here."

A soft smile spread across his face. He let Tamsyn absorb everything, from the stars and galaxies in her eyes to the pictures he had painted in her head. The story of Life and Death was one so central and impactful in his culture, it was often an emotional shock to a lot of younglings fresh to the idea of spiritualism. He had a hunch that this story might be even more impactful to her now, still fresh off the loss of her mate, and while he didn't want to open any healing wounds, he had no doubt that her mate would be amongst the stars, watching over her. "Would you like to try singing with me?"


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.