
Traders, not traitors

Hallows diplomacy meeting



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
05-26-2021, 12:23 AM
Coming down from the north had been far easier than going up into it. After leaving Incindium, it was a pretty quick journey to pass through The Battlefield and the Veteran's Plateau, bringing them to the edge of an old farm that made up part of Fireside's territory. By that point it was late in the afternoon and he considered setting up camp and waiting till morning to call for their alpha, but in the end he forged ahead and decided to get one more meeting done for the day before they started making their way toward the packs in the west. If they could knock out Incindium and Fireside in one day that would put them ahead of schedule - or at least make up for the day they had lost navigating their way through the Polar Sound.

He stopped well before they had any risk of crossing the scent markers, giving himself a shake to straighten out his coat and glancing toward Artorias to make sure his traveling companion was ready. Once he was set Ulric lifted his head to howl for their alpha, settling back on his haunches so he could roll and stretch his ankles and paws. There was just two more packs to travel to and then they could go home and one of those packs was mostly just a hello to a distant relative of sorts. It was all smooth sailing from here so perhaps they could even make it back home faster than he had originally anticipated.

Ulric Adravendi