
Pretty is as Pretty Does



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-05-2013, 01:18 PM

Erani gave a gentle smile as the young black and white female shied away, then registered what she was talking about. Erani held no anger at the young female for trespassing over Valhalla?s border; after all, Milk Thistle was a find, especially if you didn?t live in a place here it grew in abundance like this patch did. She bowed her head in return to the young girl?s respectful gesture. ?And it is an honor to meet a healer who knows so much, at so young an age. And Milk Thistle is an irresistible find, indeed, so I wholly understand your lapse in protocol. But I urge you to remember that not all packs are friendly, Little Orica. Her attention turned to the male. He looked very much like Crusade. Cream with brown and beige markings. She smiled at him. ?I believe I?ve met your mother, Crusade. You look very much like her, young fellow.? The warm compliment was given with a gentle twinkle of her eyes.

She settled onto her haunches and gazed at Orica, ears perked with interest as she took in the young healer?s form. Black made up the top half of her body and tail, as well as the fronts of her forelegs and thighs. White made up the rest of her pattern, on the bottom half. Sparkling sapphires made up her eyes. The little female reminded her of Asheni, but she knew that this lass wasn?t born of Asheni?s blood. Sheni had no children. Her tail flicked to curl about her haunches as she took in the odd bag the young healer carried. ?So, what brings you young two down west, apart from the Milk Thistle?? Her eyes squinted in a gentle teasing manner as she spoke, tail tapping in a gentle wag.