
be the lightning in me



3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-26-2021, 09:37 PM

Bloodied paws thundered across the uneven terrain, leaving specks of dark red in their wake on the fresh summer grass that had replaced the ice and snow. Two-toned eyes darted back and forth as she burst from the trees that made up the dense Wraith’s Woods to the east, finding nothing but open land and exposed ridgelines. Oh no no no, too open, too open…! But she couldn’t turn back now, not without another confrontation. She had no choice; she had to keep moving forward.

Emersyn ran her tongue over her dry lips, tasting the copper-flavor of stale blood from the last wolf she’s tangled with still there. There was at least one, maybe two more right behind her. Away. She had to get away! But out in the open plain with her black and purple fur making her an eyesore against the verdant grass, going forward meant exposing herself and surrendering all cover. She hesitated at the tree line, paws dancing back and forth in a nervous jitter while her mind raced to weigh her options.

A snap of a twig behind her made up her mind on her behalf. Em yelped and sprinted out across the plains, her muscles sore and tired, body aching and screaming for a rest. Even her breathing felt labored and difficult. It had been days since she’d eaten anything, and how long since she’d rested or had time for a drink? It didn’t matter. She was dead if she stopped now. Keep going. Just a little farther. They couldn’t chase her forever… right?

Emersyn’s paws carried her below the ridge, using the sloping terrain for cover while she navigated the uneven terrain to the best of her abilities with her bloodstained, painful paws. Her ears flicked atop her head, listening for any threats or signs of safety. The gentle lapping of moving water caught her attention, and the dusty violet fae adjusted her trajectory for it. Maybe she’d be able to follow the water to another hiding place.

Rounding the edge of the ridge, her duo-toned eyes lit up to see the mellifluous river. Water! The word had never sounded so pleasant in her mind as it did now. She all but flung herself toward the river, limping to the soft silt bank and collapsing to the damp earth before she buried her muzzle in the cool, refreshing water, greedily drinking her fill. Her parched throat cried in relief, and Em didn’t realize her eyes were weeping at the turn in her fortune while she drank and drank until her lungs burned for oxygen.

With a gasp, she re-emerged from beneath the water, face dripping wet. She caught sight of her reflection in the water’s surface: tired eyes, scratched and clawed face with freshly healing cuts, fur dirty and matted in places from where she’d had to hide in mud. She lifted her right paw, watching the blood dripping from where she’d lost two of her claws in a scuffle with a now very dead hunter. Finally, with a chance to rest and take inventory of herself, Em realized just how dead tired she was, how much pain her body was in, and how badly she just wanted to give up. The tears returned, and the broken violet fae’s body flopped over at the side of the river, looking half-dead while she tried to recuperate enough strength just to stand.
