
be the lightning in me



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-27-2021, 05:46 PM
The woman didn’t believe him, not that he truly expected her to with how on edge she really was. Indigo still had no idea beyond time a way to gain someone’s trust. Especially like this run down wolf. She couldn’t trust anyone, everyone was out to get her, every face was ready to claim her life and the reward for taking it. Indigo didn’t know exactly what was going on but he was smart enough to put a few pictures together. She was ready for him to attack her, it was what everyone else she’d come across had been ready to do, and yet that outcome couldn’t be farther from what Indigo truly wanted. He couldn’t know what kind of past she had, but from the look of her he could make his guess. He wasn’t so naive to the world and its cruelties anymore, that ship sailed long ago. There was evil in the world and he had three wolves to prove that.

Even as he spoke there was a threat on the horizon, not from him like she expected but the men that were after her. Both of them were forced to look but even as Indigo spoke the woman was scrambling feebly. Panic took her and Indigo’s features returned to her and the fear that was so obvious on her features. She couldn’t get up, her body was done and no matter how she struggled there was no lifting herself, there was no escape. Her acceptance was made more obvious by the way she spoke next, pleading for him to be gone and then almost changing her mind as she begged him for a swift end.

Indigo wasn’t about to take her offer, she had no way to defend herself and was facing certain doom. He couldn’t kill her, not even a mercy killing as she sought. Indigo was no pushover, he had been training to fight for his whole life and his body was bred to do just that as well. With his massive saber fangs, sharp cat line claws, and thick protecting mane, there was little to threaten such an impressive wolf. Certainly not a bounty hunter that had been trailing this stranger for days.

”I couldn’t,” he told her softly as she closed her eyes, awaiting her swift end from him. He did put himself on guard though, joints bending and his hackles raising to make his huge form look even bigger as the threat finally appeared between them. The man should have given Indigo more than a dismissive glance, already the Fatalis felt heat rising in his belly as the edges of his vision turned red at the sound of the hunter’s voice. There was little left to the imagination, she told him her death would be drug out and Indigo had no doubts. A deep growl rumbled through his chest, the only warning the stranger had to cease his advance.

”Touch her and I’ll take your paw.” Indigo warned, lowering his head as he coiled his limbs, ready to strike should he not be heeded. The stranger turned towards him just slightly, only barely acknowledging Indigo and his promise. Testing his luck the hunter took another step forward and turned his feature’s from Indigo’s attention. Another growl surged through him and Indy was done with his warnings and chances. The young man had no true desire to see pain and suffering, especially by his own paw. However, this woman was about to be torn apart in front of him and as Indigo saw it, his actions were just.

Indigo sprang from his place in the grass, with two strides he was on the huge stranger. Not nearly as big as himself, but still a threat that Indigo would have to be careful fighting. Thoughts were gone as Indigo acted solely on instinct. His massive frame slammed into the other man’s side, sending both of them tumbling into the river. Indigo couldn’t think of the relief he had for getting the man away from the downed woman, mostly because of the teeth he was warding away from his face.

The two wolves were both fighting for their life. Indigo promised to take his paw but as they wrestled there in the water he realized he would be doing more than that. Indigo had taken lives before, of his prey and of predators that threatened him and those he loved. He’d never killed another wolf before, but the possibility became reality now.

He struggled with the other wolf, aiming mostly to keep his opponent's head under the water to drown him. Indigo himself gasped and struggled for air as the hunter did the same. Indy had the advantage of height and weight, but in this situation his mane was more of a hindrance than help as he was quickly soaked through. This realization came late, but Indigo also tried to start backing up to the shore, hopeful that the woman had managed to crawl into some kind of shelter, but he couldn’t spare her any extra thought as the hunter struck him. His flesh split open as he was struck with well placed teeth, blood tinted the water red as Indigo attacked again, swinging his long terrible teeth.

Indigo’s attack did win him a small victory as his teeth cleaved through flesh. He ripped open the other man’s thickly muscled thigh revealing bone and blood but at a high price. He was left open and the hunter took his chance and went for Indigo’s belly.

The young Fatalis had never felt physical pain like this before. An excruciating surge of pain throughout his whole body that sent a strangled scream from his lips. It was enough to drive him further. With his stomach ripped open Indigo returned fire, every ounce of effort left Indigo nearly blindly attacked the hunter in his grasp. Tooth and claw met flesh as he surrounded the beast and unleashed the wild rage that was always so carefully hidden deep within. He didn’t notice the damage done as he tore and severed, but there was little life left within the corpse as Indigo finally lifted his head for a breath.

But it was difficult and near impossible to do. Indigo could hardly suck in a breath, but he was done. The assassin was dead or dying, but so was Indy. He struggled to the shore, his body much worse for wear than he had ever intended. If he didn’t have his mane and the thick fur down his belly he would have already been dead. He pulled himself up to the shore, unable to catch his breath he struggled. Much like the woman he’d given no thought in protecting, because there was no second thought. He couldn’t have left her, there had been no other choice but this.

As the adrenaline faded and the pain started to well and truly take hold his body began to try and go into shock. Indigo knew it, but was nearly powerless to help it. His strength was waning fast but he still managed to get himself to the meager supplies gathered before now. Maybe if he could just stop the bleeding.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.