
We'll Go Up In Flames, And Down In History

Pack Meeting


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
05-27-2021, 07:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2021, 07:28 PM by Claire. Edited 1 time in total.)

It wasn't long before the meeting began, and although she listened, she just wasn't completely in it. Like Chrystelle, she didn't particularly care where she was as long as she was with her siblings. They were all they had left, though she was unaware of her brothers heart break...unlike him, she had yet to leave the pack to find someone she could connect with, and the realization of that hit her hard like a sack full of stones. She pursed her lips as she leaned into her sister...had she just wasted her life up till now grieving and doing nothing to better herself or show that she cared? She did care about her siblings, but deep down...she knew she hadn't been showing that. She had made no effort to find friends or someone she could talk to. Not her siblings, nor her pack mates, nor even an outsider. She had been leading a pretty sad life now that she thought about it...but she had no idea how to let go of the grief she had for her deceased parents nor how to reconnect with her siblings...

She turned her attention to the alpha then as she tried to focus on what he said as well as those that spoke after him. She didn't have much to say if she was honest, she hadn't done anything...but...she did want to learn. Maybe he could assign them tasks or something...keep her busy and perhaps she could learn things in the process. Hesitant, she would ask. "Um...I was wondering...I know we have our basic duties around the pack but...there is much more I would like to learn...some of us never got a mentor or anything, so would it be possible to...I don't know...maybe shadow someone or something along those lines so we could learn in what we're interested in?" She swallowed, ears flattening to her head as she warily glanced around. It sounded stupid she felt, but she had been so wrapped up in her own grieving mind that she had also realized she had learned absolutely nothing since her mother passed away...granted, Greed had been teaching her (and she assumed her siblings, too), but she couldn't even remember any of his lessons because her heart and mind just hadn't been anywhere else for a long time.
