
all that your love can bring



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
05-28-2021, 06:47 AM
Returning to Abaven had been one of the most difficult tasks of his life beyond leaving Plague the evening after he’d been shown their new home. Having to admit defeat, and accept that their mother was gone. There was a hope that filled his heart, having been reunited with Poltergeist had been an incredible high to bring them up to after being so low. They hadn’t seen their sister in nearly two years and she had finally returned to them. The fact made him wonder if maybe Eulogy was still out there, maybe they would get their mother back. Void struggled with his thoughts for a long time after they returned, after seeing Polt with Spirit and Gloom a part if Void felt more complete. Despite everything swirling within the young man had hope. For his family and for his own future.

He hadn’t seen Plague in what felt like weeks, his heart yearned for his fiance. The thought that they were going to be married sent an excited thrill down his spine and a nervous happiness bubbled up in his belly. He wanted to see the one that he loved, he needed to see Plague. He wanted the man’s warmth and comfort, he craved his kisses and his love. Void made sure his siblings were seen to and comfortable, and then he headed towards the den that Plague had so lovingly crafted for the both of them.

Void hurried over the unclaimed lands in between them, his pace was swift and before long he arrived at the beautiful den. The young Destruction could still hardly believe his mate had crafted this place all on his own, its beauty was unchallenged. His love was evident in every tiny detail and as Void slowed outside he was struck again by the thoughtfulness. He had to be the luckiest man to have found someone who was as incredible, understanding, and loving as Plague.

The star spangled man hadn’t been here in so long he wasn’t surprised that Plague wasn’t here at the moment. Much like himself Plague had other pledges to uphold, especially with such a high rank in his own pack. Void sighed softly as he lowered himself into the grassy clearing outside the den. It was a beautiful day, the temperature was perfect, the sun was intermittent behind the clouds, and a pleasant breeze filled his senses with fresh air. For a moment Void would just enjoy the peace of being alone, but he was eager to see his love.