
Find your comforts




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

05-28-2021, 05:30 PM (This post was last modified: 05-28-2021, 05:30 PM by Kaneonuskatew. Edited 1 time in total.)

Kane had been watching Tamsyn's expressions throughout his storytelling, gauging her reactions to see how she took the stories he had to share. He was walking a delicate line between telling her about him and who he was and trying to not come across as preachy. It wasn't like he was trying to force his beliefs on her or convert her to his spiritualism, after all. But Tamsyn was in such a vulnerable state, so hurt and looking for any sort of comfort and relief that maybe, just maybe, hearing about another perspective on life, death, and the afterlife might give her what she was looking for. When she finally opened those breathtaking mint-green eyes and stared up at the stars, it was with the same wonder he had seen on the faces of so many young pups hearing this story for the first time as well. It made him smile, watching the emotional purge she was going through. She looked at him when he invited her to sing with him, seeing crystalline tears hovering in the corners of her eyes, knowing he had drawn them out. While he hadn't intended to make her cry, he supposed it was probably exactly what she needed—a few happy emotional tears to drown out the heartbreak and sorrow.

When Tamsyn nodded in wordless answer to his offer, Kane gave her a warm, reassuring smile and shifted back to press his entire side around her, using his larger size to curl his hind end around hers and cradle her body into his. "There's no wrong way to sing to the Universe. Just let whatever emotions and sounds in your heart come out," he explained. Kane tipped his muzzle toward the stars and moon and released a long, light howl into the night. He sang for his joy of being outside and singing again, for being able to share this moment with Tamsyn, and for the passion they had shared thus far. Tamsyn joined him then, her beautiful voice harmonizing with his, though her song was much lower pitched and more somber. Kane's ears flattened to his head and his heart wrenched a little; she had a much more fresh wound than he did, and it rang clear as a bell in her song. Shifting his tone, Kane's howl dipped down to match Tamsyn's pitch, his clear yet husky voice blending with hers into a single melody of heartache, loss, and comfort.

By the time their song ended, Kane noticed the tears falling from Tamsyn's face, but a small smile had taken residence on her lips as she leaned and nuzzled into his neck fluff. Returning her smile, he rubbed his muzzle against the top of her head, always willing to give his comforts where he could. The two of them stayed quiet for a little while after, Kane just enjoying the fresh air and the sounds of the summer night around them, from the singing stream to the chirping crickets. After a short interlude, Tamsyn picked up the conversation again and began to tel him about her journeys after her father had tried to kill her. She was looking up at the stars as she spoke, but all of Kane's attention was on the star leaning into his side right now, watching the heavens reflected in her eyes, taking in every bit of Tamsyn while she leaned into him. Her suicidal tendencies, her struggles to learn to survive on her own with nothing but her meager instincts... Every word of it broke Kane's heart yet also inspired so much awe in him for this strong little fae who had overcome the odds at every turn. No matter what life tried to do to crush her, she got back up and kept going. She was a survivor.

The soft smile returned to his face when Tam got to the part of the wolf named Zee that had saved her life, how she had found her place in a pack that was a distinctly different name from the one she lived in now, and how she had worked hard to better herself and become a warrior. She had met her late mate Resin in that pack and risen to what he assumed was a notably high rank and was given the job of teaching others how to fight. He chuckled softly along with her, although he could indeed see her being the teaching kind. He loved to teach and share his knowledge with others, and he could tell innate teachers right off the bat. Tamsyn fit that bill, no question. He gave another hearty laugh when she told the story of how Resin had flustered her during her first training lesson by kissing her in front of her class, a roguish grin flashing all of his teeth. He was somewhat sad he would never get to meet this wolf; Resin sounded like a character he would've gotten along with.

"You love her," Kane corrected her gently when she looked up at him with a sad smile. He glanced back up at the stars briefly. "Just because someone is no longer physically here with us means your feelings have to change. I will always love Tiva, even if I cannot be with her anymore. Just like you will always love Resin, because she was the first wolf you gave your heart to. Death forces us to move on, but the one thing Death cannot kill is our love." He gave Tamsyn a sympathetic smile, nuzzling against her cheek and placing a tender kiss on her forehead. "It is not wrong to still love someone who has passed, nor is it wrong to love others in your lifetime. A heart is not a single given gift. You are allowed to love others, Tamsyn, and you are allowed to be loved and be happy. I never met your mate, but I doubt a wolf that cared about you like Resin did would want you to spend the rest of your days longing for the past, missing the moments you have waiting for you."

Again, Kane was trying his best not to come across as preachy. He hated when others tried to apply their own rules and beliefs to you arbitrarily. But Tamsyn just seemed so lost, so alone, looking for something to hold onto in the wake of her loss and to fill the void Resin had left behind. It was clear to Kane that Tamsyn was not a wolf that did well when solitary. Her stories about her past and her behaviors and emotions he'd observed told him all he needed to know there. His large paws resting over hers gave a little squeeze, trying to bring a little bit of a cheerier smile to her face. She was stunning when she was happy, and he wanted to see that smile she wore so well again.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.