
be the lightning in me



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (250)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

10 Years

Silver Medal 2020Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
05-28-2021, 05:43 PM
The small, dark woman muttered to herself as she worked on her nephew's wounds. It was sad that Indigo was dead too, but at least he got another chance on this plane. As of yet, she hadn’t run into anyone else, so she assumed that they were all alive and thriving. She hoped so, at least. Oh, wait. She had seen Deathbelle. Right? A little frown crossed Iolaire’s face as she worked. Memories weren’t reliable so she couldn’t be sure. Could have happened in her last life for all she knew.

Paws worked quickly once the purple woman brought the bag over. Io gave it a cursory glance before she began pulling out this and that. Once more she glanced to the woman beside her. “Moss from those rocks,” she motioned with a point of her nose. “Soak it in water and bring it here.” She could work on the wounds, but she needed to clean away the blood to see what she was working with. Sifting through the bag, she brought out a bone needle and a bit of horse hair. Supplies that she’d instructed Indigo to never go without. Smart boy. Smart, sweet boy. He said her name and her ears perked. He seemed confused to see her here and why shouldn’t he be? She was confused to be here. ...Or something like that. “Quiet. Save your strength. We can talk later.”

Once she had cleaned the blood from the wounds with the water from the moss, Io gently squeezed the muscle back together. With deft fingers, she pulled the threaded needle through. There had been no time for pain relievers to kick in and so she hadn’t bothered. Indigo would just have to deal with the pain. Just like they all had to deal with the pain. Once the muscle was doubly secured, Iolaire moved on to the surface wounds. The silly boy had gotten himself slashed pretty well. What had he been thinking? A head full of rocks, just like his father. How many times had she patched up Sirius?

Like a surgeon, Iolaire’s needle slid through flesh. With practiced stitching, she pulled both sides of the wound together. Settling back, she eyed her work, only listening partially as the purple boy spoke to the purple girl. Ha! So he didn’t even know her? JUST like his father. Taking up a few of the herbs in the pack, Iolaire chewed them between her tiny teeth to make a paste. Once satisfied with the thickness, she tamped it gently over the wound. It would both seal in the healing herbs that she’d placed down first and would keep the wound clean as he was transported.

Moving to the river, Io washed the blood from her paws. “He’ll need to be transported somewhere safer. If whoever did this has friends, it won’t be hard to track them to this place.” Quick witted, was Iolaire. She didn’t have her carts in this world, but she could craft a travois. The girl herself looked as though she was ready to fall over. Well… Io could do something about that. Moving up to the big purple lady, Io’s green and gold eyes narrowed. “If I give you something to help with your energy, do you think you could pull him?”
Io has a dwarf caribou companion and a snow leopard companion. Assume they aren't with her unless stated otherwise.