
This Pain is My Doing




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-28-2021, 05:56 PM

It had been arduous work getting Indigo back to the castle he had directed her toward from his position on the travois. The sloped and rocky terrain of the ridgelands made for difficult traveling with a heavy and wounded companion. But Emersyn had made a mental pact to make sure he was tended to, no matter the cost, no matter the strain, struggle, or pain. Indigo would not die for her.

Passing across the plains with the tiny healer at their side keeping an eye on Indigo to make sure he was still breathing, Em had howled for the alpha, a large dire wolf that had given no resistance to her bringing an injured packmate back home. With the dire brute’s help, Emersyn had slid Indigo the rest of the way into the sanctuary of the castle walls here the healers could tend to him and bring him inside. The alpha, whose name she couldn’t quite remember, had invited her to stay and have her wounds tended to as well, and despite her mental protests, her body could do nothing but accept.

That had been a couple of days ago. Indigo was tended to around the clock by the tiny healer and the other medics in the Hallows. There were so many wolves living in this castle! Em had felt like an outsider, like she didn’t belong here amongst all these other wolves that had their lives together. Poor things. They had no idea the danger they put themselves in by keeping her around. Despite her worries, she knew she couldn’t leave yet—not until Indigo had healed.

So that was how Emersyn found herself sitting against the far wall of Indigo’s chambers beside the door, still as a statue, her right paw and other wounded parts bandaged up, watching as he rested, slept, and recovered. She had barely said two words to anyone in the pack, eating only when her stomach roared, and never far from Indigo’s room when she did venture out. She hadn’t even spoken much to the other wolves that existed in Indigo’s little clique, keeping to herself and existing only on the fringes of everything like a ghost. It was an accurate representation of how she felt: barely existing in this place she didn’t belong. This had been all her fault. Guilt crushed her heart, and although she put on a hard facade, inside she was destroying herself. It was the penance she deserved for her mistakes. So long as Indigo got better, nothing else mattered.
