
This Pain is My Doing




3 Years
Extra large

1KPride - Demisexual
05-28-2021, 05:58 PM

Duo-toned eyes had been transfixed on the divots between each stone brick on the floor while she stood guard, waiting, waiting for Indigo to wake up and need something or for someone else to come check on him. She had been doing her best to learn the frequent faces that came to him: Iolaire the tiny healer, Gwynevere the Hallows’ healer, they had been the most common, along with three others that rarely left Indigo’s side. An extremely tiny girl, blind and frail, a smaller purple brute who was always hanging close by and had tried to talk to her a couple times, and a smaller still purple fae that was practically throwing herself at the dire wolf since the moment he’d been carted back. Pathetic creature…

She didn’t notice Indigo beginning to stir until she heard the heavy sigh followed by her own name whispered on a tired voice. Her head snapped up, meeting Indigo’s rich sapphire gaze with a breath of relief. ”Indigo, thank the gods…” she spoke, rising to her paws to close the distance between them in a few graceful strides. Even though Iolaire had told them he would live, Em didn’t dare consider them out of the woods until he was back on his feet. She gave him a strained smile, still unable to look at him without feeling the guilt hit her in the gut.

”Of course I’m here,” she replied taking a seat beside the bed he lay in. ”I had to make sure I wasn’t responsible for killing you.” A light chuckle escaped under her breath while she looked over his massive form, eyes following the defined lines of muscle beneath his coat and his deadly looking saber fangs. ”I should’ve known it’d take more than a ragtag bounty hunter to take down a wolf like you.” Deep down, she actually realized just how close the fight had been. One on one, Indigo looked like he was more than capable of handling himself. But the hunters pursuing her did not fight fair; they took their victories by any means necessary, and that underhandedness had almost cost Indigo his life.

With a wry smirk, Emerysn lifted her right paw to show the bandages wrapped around it to her savior. ”Besides, I can’t get very far on this. Doctors say it’ll take a couple of weeks for the claws to grow back and the wounds to heal, so I guess I’m immobile for now.” Her eyes searched his for any signs of discomfort or pain, anything she could do to help fix her fuck up. ”How are you feeling?” Dumb question. Try again, Em. ”Is there anything I can get for you? Food, water, pillows, something to entertain yourself with...?”
