
Reel It In




4 Years
Extra large

Pride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 12:08 PM

Acantha followed along beside Aslatiel as she was led into the Armada territory, her aqua gaze sweeping over the plains while she was introduced to the lay of the land and any land marks that might be useful to know. She nodded quietly and absorbed it all. For the first time in a very long time she felt as if she had a purpose and a place to be and that fact excited her. She was eager to get started and really restart her training in earnest. Having a steady place to sleep, a job to do, somewhere she could work on recreating her armor, a pack to serve and build relationships with... Aslatiel was truly giving her one of the greatest gifts she had ever received. Though perhaps her perception of what was dazzling when it came to gifts had been tainted with the time she spent in captivity.

She brought her gaze back to Aslatiel when she brought up the topic of where she could stay, listing the option of staying in some of the spare dens around the pack and building her own with time. She lifted an interested brow when Asla mentioned that she could stay in her den and that there was plenty of room for her there. She wasn't sure what she had done to earn the smaller woman's trust so quickly, but she appreciated the honor and smiled all the same. "Well it would certainly be easier to be your guard if I was staying with you if nothing else," she agreed with a small nod, leaning on the practical side of things - though she had to admit that it was nice to know she wouldn't be alone while she got acclimated to her new home. "I'd be happy to stay with you, thank you for the offer." She continued to look around her new home while they waited for her father to appear, curious to see the Warlord and see the sire that this confident woman came from.

Acantha Elpis Stavros