
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:17 PM
The light steadily streaming into the cave was what woke Indigo. The rain stopped and the sun was dappled over the land through sparse clouds. Birds chirped and sang, bugs buzzed through the air and morning marched on without them. Them. Indigo shifted slightly so bright blue eyes could catch a glimpse of the man he held all through the night. For a moment he wasn’t sure if he’d just dreamed him up to cope with staying the night alone. Segin was still very real, his thin and beaten frame was curled against him. Indigo’s dark lips pulled back into a small smile as he just enjoyed the look of peace that had settled over those soft mottled features. There was a tight feeling in his chest as he was reminded of the struggle of accepting the affection he felt one for a complete stranger and two for another man.

They weren’t complete strangers though, both of them had confessed their deepest secrets and most difficult memories. Both had been completely vulnerable with the other, and had easily found comfort in one another’s arms. Indigo had swiftly taken him under his wing, and he tried not to think about how much else. Indigo’s heart remained steadfastly in Aslatiel’s possession but he cared for the wolves he looked after deeply. They built him up and thus became a part of him. Just as much as he rebuilt them.

Indigo had seen more progress than he ever imagined when her first lay eyes on Segin’s sickly frame. After being so close and running his paws through his fur he knew the damage was far deeper. From his words last night he’d been wounded deep into his very spirit. Indy took in a deep breath and relaxed against the mossy bed, just holding Segin while he waited for him to wake up. He needed to make it back to the Hallows, but Segin also needed his rest.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.