
set me down in your warm arms



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:19 PM
Segin probably could have slept forever hiding against Indigo. He couldn’t remember ever sleeping that well in his entire life. A combination of Indigo shifting, the sunlight beginning to filter into the cave, and the sounds of the birds outside slowly and gently lifted him from his sleep, eventually bringing him to blink open his silver gaze, violet fur filling most of his vision and making him smile. He was so glad none of that had been a dream. A small part of him had been afraid that he’d wake up alone or perhaps not wake up at all. Maybe it had been his mind giving him an extremely pleasant dream as he sank into death in his sleep. But that wasn’t the case and when he glanced up and saw Indigo’s handsome face he knew he was genuinely saved.

A smile pulled at his lips, his paws scritching lightly at his chest. “Good morning,” he told his new friend, the obvious grogginess still clinging to him evident in his voice and the heavy lids over his eyes. A wide yawn pulled at his muzzle and he chuckled softly. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy to wake up.” He reluctantly started to slip away from Indigo’s embrace even though he could have been happy laying there forever. The only thing that got him moving was the nagging, gnawing feeling in his rumbling stomach. Once he got to his paws - which felt noticeably better after Indigo’s treatments the night before - he gave his mottled coat a good shake, though it did little to improve his appearance. His coat was still dull from not caring for it or eating properly, his ribs were still easily visible on his thin frame, and cuts and bruises still dotted his body. At least it didn’t feel as squished and clumped against his body from sleep.

“Well… Shall we go?” he asked with a hopeful grin, nerves and uncertainty churning in his stomach. He hoped that he got along with the other wolves that Indigo kept with him. Meeting his new family for the first time… it was nerve wracking, but equally as exciting. He waited for Indigo to lead the way, his tail wagging gently behind him.