
Because Of You


07-31-2013, 08:56 PM

The leopard crouched quietly behind the foliage, watching with interest as the giant grey wolf lunged towards the smaller one, looking to rip its throat out and end its pathetic life. A cruel smile twisted the feline's lips, golden gaze widening in admiration as he watched the larger man begin to dismember the smaller one. He liked this giant, murdering like hellion. He was fearless and ruthless, blood-lust a heavy scent on him. He would follow him around some more, see if he was really the murderer he seemed to be or if this was just a one time incident.

An evil smirk twisted the man's pale lips, kissers peeling back against ivory weapons, a blood-lusting snarl ripping its way free of his larynx as he lunged forward, cyan gaze burning with the need for the smaller man's blood. The realization finally hit the idiot that he was staring death right in the face and he backed up away from Demyan, yelping pathetically as he tripped over his own damn paws, stumbling to the ground on his back, throwing his forelegs up in a weak attempt to protect his throat. Fool, there was nothing that could protect him now. It was all over. The hellion chased after his prey, lunging forward as he landed ontop of the puny weakling, jaws snapping over the smaller man's closest forepaw, looking to snap every single bone in it, perhaps even tear it from the limb if he really felt like it. There would be nothing left of the little man once he was done with him

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