
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:19 PM
He would have let Segin sleep the rest of the day, but he knew that at the very least the mottled man would wake from hunger sooner rather than later. Indy found himself content there as the early morning greeted them, there wasn’t much else to ask for. The temperature was perfect, the day was beautiful, and he had Segin curled peacefully against his chest. He was watching him sleep, Indigo couldn’t help himself. Seeing Segin’s relief of the terrors that haunted him helped Indy to believe that he could make peace with his. Indigo didn’t think it was the daylight that caused the brightness in Segin’s eyes as he blinked open his sleepy silver eyes. Segin was smiling from the moment he woke up, and that expression cause Indigo’s heart to flutter uncertainly in his chest. He was surprised at the reaction, but it was pleasant.

Affection followed quickly after and he reveled in Segin’s paws through his fur. This was real, Segin was real, and the feelings that he caused within Indigo’s chest were real. Indigo smiled in return, his first instinct was to offer Segin’s mottled features a sweet kiss but he refrained. ”Good morning,” he rumbled in return as he caressed Segin’s neck with one huge paw. ”I’m so glad you did.” He didn’t withhold a nuzzle to Segin’s cheek before he pulled away from Indigo’s grasp to lift himself to his paws.

Indigo was afforded another look at the man’s sad appearance. His expression was changed completely, Segin was smiling and there was hope in his eyes. Indigo felt warmth because of it, he was the one that brought a smile to Segin’s features. He was the one that reminded him that life was worth living. There was still so much work to be done, Segin was dangerously thin. His coat was dull and his wounds were fresh. Indigo had trouble thinking about Segin’s past and the terrors he had to work through, and yet here he was grinning his fool head off at him. Indy couldn’t help but mirror the expression.

Segin shook himself out, and then he was ready to be off. Indigo couldn’t blame him, not when a good meal and home was calling to him. Indigo lifted himself from the moss floor and shook his thick pelt before brilliant sapphire eyes returned to Segin’s sweet features. ”Do you think you can manage to carry this pack?” Short round was much smaller than Segin, but the pack would fit over his shoulders and the weight was far from heavy. Just a few plants and flowers. Indigo fitted his before offering the second to Segin. Though Indigo was prepared to add the burden to himself, he thought Segin would appreciate a task to complete.

Once the packs were in their correct places Indigo may have stolen one last nuzzle against Segin’s cheek before he led the both of them out into the sunlight. He already knew his pace wouldn’t be near as quick if he were alone, but Segin had a good night’s sleep and his paws already looked ten times better than they did yesterday. They would make it back to the Hallows not long after mid day, he was sure of it.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.