
set me down in your warm arms



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:20 PM
Segin immediately nodded in agreement as soon as Indigo questioned if he could carry the second pack that held some of the herbs that had been collected. “Yes, of course!” He wasn’t actually as confident in his ability to do the task as he seemed, but he refused to let himself not help Indigo with what should have been a very simple task. He came over and let Indigo place the pack over his shoulders and was glad that it wasn’t all that heavy. Perhaps it felt heavier to him than it would have to someone else, but that was okay. He’d make it and it made him feel better than to just stand by while his friend carried all of it.

Indigo’s nuzzle to his cheek caught him off guard while he was thinking about the pack currently resting around his thin frame, the affection making his heart flutter and dance in his chest as a silly grin pulled across his lips. He peered up at the larger wolf, really seeing his full height for the first time since he had been laying down for most of their time together. He wondered how someone who was built the way he was could be such a lover, but he didn’t want to question it. He only wanted to enjoy his gentleness. He chuckled softly and reached up to press his nose to Indigo’s cheek in return before turning to step out into the pleasant sunlight.

He wished he could move faster, but any time he tried his paws began to ache and he started struggling to catch his breath. Indigo was incredibly patient with him though and they moved at a steady, if not quick, pace. He followed Indigo dutifully, keeping at his side all the way to his pack. Up in the distance he saw a huge structure in the distance, a castle, and his silver gaze widened with surprise, blinking up at it as they drew closer. “The pack is in a castle?” he questioned with a light laugh, grinning up at his own knight in shining armor. Somehow it felt fitting. They reached the border, the heavy scent of a pack hitting his nose, and he slowed, looking up at Indigo questioningly. “Do we need to ask for permission or anything?” He certainly didn’t want to get Indigo in trouble with his presence. He had never lived in a pack and didn’t know much about how they operated, but he at least knew that much.