
set me down in your warm arms



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

05-29-2021, 01:21 PM
For a moment Indy was worried he’d carried their affections too far as Segin looked surprised at the nuzzle he was offered. All the worry disappeared as that silly grin played over his dark and mottled features. Indigo grinned in return, proud of himself for giving Segin his smile, and proud of Segin for stepping up and taking on the task of bearing a burden. He was hungry, weak, and beaten and still he shouldered the weight gratefully. His affection was repaid with a similar nuzzle from the sweet man before the journey really began.

Their pace wasn’t a fast one, and Indigo didn’t mind. He swayed along easily, occasionally he’d bump his shoulder playfully against Segin’s. Despite everything he shared smiles with the orchid marked man the entire way. He forgot about how much loss plagued him, Segin chased away the memories and held Indigo’s attention in his slender frame and bright eyes. Eventually though, the castle became visible over the trees and Segin spoke his wonder with a glance up at him. Indigo grinned down at Segin brightly, catching himself missing a step as he got distracted by the gentle laugh. Segin seemed like a completely different wolf than the one that he’d found half drowned. His body would take time to recover but his heart seemed refreshed.

”A castle.” He affirmed as he led the plum furred man forward over the border. ”I have blanket permission to bring in any strays I find.” Indigo chuckled playfully and helped himself to another encouraging nuzzle against Segin’s neck. ”No waiting around for permission when you’re in such need for a meal.” He explained further. He’d find Ulric after Segin was a bit better settled. ”We’re just about there,” he explained with a grin as he led him inside the castle from the main gate. The most impressive entrance by far. He wasn’t sure why he felt like he wanted to impress Segin, he knew he didn’t need to.

He led him through the front gardens and into the main castle, leading them first to the infirmary where their packs would be dropped and they could easily swing into the larder. Indigo opened the door and gestured for Segin to take a look, all while wearing a wide grin. ”What looks good for breakfast.” He asked softly as he let Segin looked into the impressive stores.

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.