
set me down in your warm arms



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
05-29-2021, 01:28 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2021, 01:31 PM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin smiled and nodded, easily believing that he had permission to bring in his vagabonds. It made sense if Indigo really did bring home wolves that often. That made Segin hopeful that this pack was as kind as Indigo had been so far if they were that welcoming to wolves that needed help - and in his case a good meal. He followed Indigo into the castle, his wide, silver eyes scanning the gardens in the front that led into the castle proper, a soft “wow” leaving him as they walked through the main entrance. He had never seen something so huge! After living in a cave cramped by how many wolves lived there and then sleeping wherever he could possibly find a nook to hide in after that this was a shock.

He walked into the infirmary, giving the space a curious look before following Indigo back out of the room, walking a bit further into a space that was absolutely filled with food. Segin’s mouth dropped open at the sight, his mouth watering as his stomach growled. “Everything looks good!” he insisted with a giggle when asked what looked like a good breakfast. He wanted to try all of it, but he knew he’d need to slowly build up to eating full meals again. After so long of just barely eating enough to stay alive his stomach wouldn’t take too kindly to him shoving a ton of food into it.

A voice from behind them made his ears perk and he turned around to look at the smaller woman that had called to Indigo, watching as she leaned into Indigo affectionately. She was surprisingly similar to himself in appearance, though with more black mixed into her coat and the pretty clouds of purple that livened up her coat were a more violet hue than the duskier shades he wore. Her eyes were also striking with the two contrasting colors they showed. When she stepped toward him he gave her a smile in return and lifted his paw to meet hers, squeezing it gently. He had to assume this was one of the wolves that Indigo had told him about the night before. One of the members of his new family as he had come to think of them. “A pleasure to meet you, Duchess. I’m Segin.” He nodded to her follow up question, replying, “He was. I was just marveling at it all, honestly.” It was more food than he had ever seen in his life, though he was sure his current state said that without him having to point out the obvious.